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NON-EMERGENCY – (610) 623-9642

The Yeadon Fire Company #1, was founded in 1904 by a group of 12 male volunteers. With its origins, the volunteer-based staffing concept that supports fire protection, rescue, and emergency medical services in the community remains the same to date.

Fire Department

The purchases of the specially designed fire and EMS vehicles are shared between the Borough of Yeadon and the Yeadon Fire Company. The Fire Company’s funding is provided through the October Fund Drive. Through the ongoing training and transferred experiences, many new residents are not aware that this volunteer-effort, even though there are no firefighting salaries, requires a healthy response to this annual Fund Drive to maintain these services.

Anyone, male or female, interested in acquiring the transferable skills incorporated in this volunteer community effort are invited to visit the Fire Station, Bailey Road, near Church Lane. Additional information can be acquired through a visit to their website.

Yeadon Fire Company #1

600 Church Lane
Yeadon PA 19050
Phone: (610) 623-9642
Fax: (610) 394-0848

Shaheed Summers
Fire Chief

John Spina