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All owners of taxable real property in Yeadon Borough (vacant land or residential, commercial, and other structures) are subject to a real estate tax each year. An owner of tax-exempt real property – such as a church, college, university, or public utility – generally is not subject to the real estate tax.

Tax Entities

There are 3 different taxing entities to which Yeadon property owners pay the real estate tax:

Borough – Yeadon Borough
School – William Penn School District
County – Delaware County

The real estate tax is based on a millage rate levied each year by the respective governing bodies of those jurisdictions. For example, the Borough real estate tax is set each December by the Yeadon Borough Council as part of the annual budget process; the School real estate tax is set early summer by the William Penn School District Board of School Directors; and the County real estate tax is set each December by the Delaware County Council.

The Tax Collector issues real estate tax bills and collects payment for properties located within Yeadon Borough for the Borough and William Penn School District. The Tax Collector also collects the current sewer and refuse fees.

Tax Collector

Yolonda Hughes, Esq.
Borough Hall
3rd Floor
600 Church Lane
Yeadon, PA 19050

Phone: (610) 622-6379
Fax: (610) 284-2138


  • The Tax Collector’s office hours of operation are Wednesdays from 10 am – 2 pm.

Local Services Tax and Earned Income Tax

Keystone Collections Group is the local earned income tax collector.. Businesses must report the 3rd Quarter employee tax withholdings to Keystone by October 31 either online, or by mail to:

Keystone Collections Group

546 Wendel Road
Irwin, PA 15642
Phone (toll-free): 855-697-3516

Keystone mailed new forms to businesses and to self-employed individual taxpayers in September. Additional forms are available online or by calling the number above. Self-employed individual taxpayers may also file online.

Yeadon Local Earned Income Tax Information

All Yeadon residents please be advised that under Pennsylvania Act 32 of 2010 all municipalities within each county are required to create a Tax Collection Committee to improve efficiencies and ensure that local communities are receiving their levied Earned Income Tax (EIT). The EIT is withheld by employers. Please be further advised that the Delaware County Tax Collection Committee selected Keystone Collections Group as the EIT tax collector for all county residents.

Resident Responsibility
Annually, PA Act 32 requires that residents file their local earned income tax return through its tax collector (Keystone Collections Group) to ensure accuracy. Any resident who fails to do so is subject to interest, penalties, and costs and will be notified of such through a delinquent tax notice.

Employer Responsibility
Each employer must complete the Residency Certification Form for each employee in order to compare the “Total Resident EIT Rate” (for the municipality in which the employee lives) to the “Work Location Non-Resident EIT Rate” (for the municipality in which the employee works). Employers are required to withhold the higher of the two EIT Rates, as well as the Local Services Tax (LST).

It is important that each resident file their local earned income tax when filing their federal and state taxes. Please be advised that Keystone Collections Group is responsible for answering all inquiries from borough residents and also providing residents with annual filing forms that allows for year-end reconciliations. Keystone Collection Group can be reach at 1-866-539-1100. Additionally, you should contact your tax accountant with any questions that you may have.