Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of the Borough of Yeadon will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, at 7:30 pm, at the Borough Hall, second floor/auditorium, Church Lane and Baily Road, Yeadon, PA, to consider the following:.
#21-03 Appeal from the decision of the Zoning Officer regarding the approval of a Medical Marijuana Dispensary at 735 Church Lane, Yeadon PA 19050.
Anyone having interest in the above matter is invited to attend.
If any person who wishes to attend the meeting has a disability and/or requires auxiliary aid, service or other accomodation to observe or participate in the proceedings, please contact the borough secretary at (610) 284-1606, to discuss how those needs may best be accomodated.
Rufus Stokes
Zoning Officer
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