Yeadon Borough Emergency Management Coronavirus Update
The Yeadon Borough Emergency Management Department is working hand and hand with the County Emergency Management Department and the Intercommunity Health Department on keeping everyone updated on the coronavirus issue.
Due to the heightened concern regarding 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Dr. George Avetian, Delaware County’s Senior Medical Advisor shared recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Jan. 27th.
The Philadelphia Health Department is investigating a possible case of coronavirus. Philadelphia Health Department officials are working with a private school in Philadelphia after a foreign exchange student who recently traveled through Wuhan City, China, where the illness first started spreading was admitted to a local hospital with symptoms of coronavirus. There are no confirmed cases in the state. The Pennsylvania Department of Health is investigating and monitoring potential cases. The department, through its team of epidemiologists and its emergency response section, are working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and county and municipal health departments to monitor the coronavirus outbreak in China and Asia, and associated cases in the United States.
How to protect yourself:
There are currently no vaccines available to protect you against human coronavirus infection. You may be able to reduce your risk of infection by doing the following: wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands, avoid close contact with people who are sick.
How to protect others:
If you have cold-like symptoms, you can help protect others by doing the following: stay home while you are sick, avoid close contact with others, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands, clean and disinfect objects and surfaces.
There are no specific treatments for illnesses caused by human coronaviruses. Most people with common human coronavirus illness will recover on their own. However, you can do some things to relieve your symptoms: take pain and fever medications (Caution: do not give aspirin to children) use a room humidifier or take a hot shower to help ease a sore throat and cough, if you are mildly sick, you should drink plenty of liquids, rest.
If you are concerned about your symptoms, you should see your healthcare provider.
More information on Coronavirus can be found here.