Yeadon Borough Council Special Meeting Wednesday, December 28, 2022, at 8:00 p.m.

Meeting Notice

The Special Meeting takes place in Borough Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Yeadon Borough Hall, 600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050.


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  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call
  3. Citizen’s Forum (Agenda Items Only – comments limited to 3 minutes)
  4. New Business
    1. Consideration of approving the police contract between the Delaware County Lodge 27 of the Fraternal Order of Police and the Borough of Yeadon.
    2. Consideration of accepting the Efficiency Study as performed by the Valori Group.
    3. Consideration of accepting the recommendation of the Valori Group for the hiring of a Police Chief for the Yeadon Police Department.
  5. Adjournment