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Council Workshop Meeting Monday, December 5, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting Notice

Council Workshop Meeting Monday, December 5, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.

The Workshop meeting takes place in the Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Yeadon Borough Hall, 600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050

The public is invited to participate by attending.

The workshop meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the Borough’s website.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call
  3. Old Business
  4. New Business
  5. President’s Report
  6. Manager’s Report
  7. Solicitor’s Report
  8. Tax Collector Report
  9. Engineer’s Report
  10. Mayor’s Report
  11. Committee Reports
    1. Finance
    2. Community Affairs
    3. Ordinances & Zoning
    4. Public Works
    5. Public Safety
      1. Police Department’s Report
      2. Fire Department’s Report
      3. Emergency Management’s Report
    6. Recreation
  12. Citizens Forum (comments limited to 3 minutes)
  13. Adjournment