Reminder: Guidelines for Snow and Ice Removal
With winter weather upon us, the Borough of Yeadon would like to remind residents of the need for removal of snow and ice from exterior property areas as outlined in Borough Code.
Please see the ordinance below for complete details:
Ordinance 220-16, O: Exterior Property Areas
Snow and ice removal
- All owners of buildings or land shall be responsible for the removal of any snow and ice as follows:
- The owner of any property that abuts any sidewalks on a public highway or common alley shall remove all snow from such sidewalks within 24 hours after the final snowfall.
- Snow shall be removed from all sidewalks and walking surface to provide a pathway of at least 36 inches.
- The owner of any property that abuts any sidewalks on a public highway or common alley shall not permit ice, upon which it is dangerous to travel, to remain on such sidewalk.
- No owner shall permit snow or ice to conceal any fire hydrant, or other fire department connections located on their property.
- No owner shall permit snow or ice to remain on any fire department access road located on their property.
- No person shall shovel, plow or move snow out into the public way after it has been plowed, moved or removed, unless authorized by the Borough.