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Personal Delivery Devices Now Permitted in Pedestrian Areas and Roadways

Personal Delivery Devices

On November 1, 2020, Senate Bill 1199 (Personal Delivery Devices) was enacted without Governor Wolf’s signature. It is now Act 106 of 2020 and will go into effect on January 30, 2021. Pennsylvania is one of 20+ states that allow for Personal Delivery Devices (PDD).

What is a PDD?

A PDD is groundbased delivery device that is manufactured for transporting cargo or goods and is operated by a driving system that allows for autonomous and/or remote operations.

Per the Pennsylvania vehicle code, PDDs are classified as pedestrians and are afforded the same rights. PDDs must operate like a pedestrian with three exceptions:
1. PDDs must yield the right of way to all pedestrians and pedalcyclists in a pedestrian area.
2. PDD must travel in the same direction of traffic when traveling on a roadway or shoulder/berm.
3. In specific circumstances, a PDD may operate within the travel lane of a roadway.

Where can a PDD Operate?

PDDs are permitted to operate in any pedestrian area (i.e. sidewalk, crosswalk, safety zone, pedestrian tunnel, overhead pedestrian crossing or similar area for pedestrians), and on a roadway or shoulder/berm of a roadway posted at 25mph or less.
Assuming there are no limiting safety restrictions and use is practicable, PDDs shall operate using the following priority:
1. Utilize the shoulder or berm of a roadway.
2. Utilize a pedestrian area such as a sidewalk.
3. Utilize the roadway as practicable to the outside edge.

Additional Information

Download the PennDOT informational flyer on PDDs.

Additional information can be found at If you have any questions, please email