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COVID-19 Vaccination Update from Delaware County

County Vaccination

Delaware County Government was informed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health that the total number of Moderna vaccines allocated to vaccine providers in Pennsylvania, including Delaware County Government, would be less than expected.

The continued shortfall in vaccine availably has been attributed, in part, to some pharmacy providers inadvertently vaccinating first dose individuals using vaccine that was supposed to be allocated for use as a second dose. This error has left the State with a larger than expected population of partially-vaccinated individuals now in need of a second dose.

Providers using the Pfizer vaccine, which includes hospitals, are not impacted by the reduction in vaccine.

As a result of the reduced Moderna vaccine supply, Delaware County Government has closed the County-sponsored vaccination clinics in Aston and Yeadon this week for people who were registered to receive a first dose. Individuals who were scheduled to receive their second dose this week are being rescheduled for Saturday, Feb. 20, at the Aston Community Center. Staff from the Delaware County COVID-19 Call Center are calling and emailing individuals to reschedule their second does for Feb. 20.

Read the full release at