Aqua PA Water Main Replacement on Baily Road
Aqua Pennsylvania began the replacement of water mains on Baily Road between Church Lane and W. Cobbs Creek Parkway in Yeadon Borough on May 27, 2020, and is expected to be completed by early fall.
Construction will generally take place weekdays between 7 AM and 4 PM Access will be provided for emergency, mail, and trash service. However, crews may need to work beyond 4 PM and on Saturdays in most cases. Residents will have access to their properties, but at times will need to enter from different directions due to changing work zones.
*Please note the trench will be covered with temporary blacktop at the end of each workday.
Customers will be notified ahead of any planned water service interruptions and Aqua will provide 48 hours advance notice for any scheduled interruption greater than 30 minutes. Aqua will have an inspector on the job each day to answer your questions.
In addition to reaching Aqua customer service staff and emergency dispatchers at the number listed on the doorhanger, you may also call Alan Roth, Manager of Construction with any questions regarding the project at (610) 328-7713.