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Author: Nafis Nichols

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Borough Council Legislative Meeting to be Held Online June 18

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a Legislative Meeting via teleconference on Thursday, June 18. The public is invited to join using the Zoom online platform.

See detailed instructions on how to take part in this meeting.

Topic: Special Meeting – Yeadon Borough Council
Time: June 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 3456 1683

Aqua PA

Aqua PA Water Main Replacement on Baily Road

Aqua Pennsylvania began the replacement of water mains on Baily Road between Church Lane and W. Cobbs Creek Parkway in Yeadon Borough on May 27, 2020, and is expected to be completed by early fall.

Construction will generally take place weekdays between 7 AM and 4 PM Access will be provided for emergency, mail, and trash service. However, crews may need to work beyond 4 PM and on Saturdays in most cases. Residents will have access to their properties, but at times will need to enter from different directions due to changing work zones.

*Please note the trench will be covered with temporary blacktop at the end of each workday.

Customers will be notified ahead of any planned water service interruptions and Aqua will provide 48 hours advance notice for any scheduled interruption greater than 30 minutes. Aqua will have an inspector on the job each day to answer your questions.

In addition to reaching Aqua customer service staff and emergency dispatchers at the number listed on the doorhanger, you may also call Alan Roth, Manager of Construction with any questions regarding the project at (610) 328-7713. 


State of Emergency Proclamation – Curfew in Effect 9 PM – 5 AM



Download this notice as a PDF

WHEREAS, protests and riots have erupted across the country in response to the recent death of George Floyd, a Black man in Minneapolis who died after one or more white police officers knelt on his neck, the latest in a long line of the deaths of Black men and women that have spurred protests across our nation; and

WHEREAS, peaceful demonstrations began and subsequently escalated, by some persons, to include actions of vandalism, property damage, rioting, and/or looting in Philadelphia, Montgomery, and Delaware Counties; and

WHEREAS, the Borough remains subject to a State and Borough Declaration of Emergency related to the 2019 novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19; and

WHEREAS, on this day, the imposition of a curfew became necessary to protect the Borough and its residents from severe endangerment and harm to their health, safety and property; and

NOW THEREFORE, this 1st day of June, pursuant to the relevant sections of the Emergency Management Code and the Pennsylvania Borough Code; I do hereby declare a state of emergency within the Borough of Yeadon.

As the Mayor of the Borough of Yeadon, I do hereby order a Borough wide curfew limiting the hours when persons may go upon or travel the public streets as follows (collectively “Curfew Hours”):
From June 1, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. until June 2, 2020 at 5:00 a.m. and continuing each day until further Order.

FURTHER, During these Curfew Hours only persons that must leave their home to work at essential businesses, or to seek medical attention or the assistance of law enforcement and must go upon or travel the public streets to do so shall be permitted upon such public streets in the Borough of Yeadon.

FURTHER, his Order shall remain in effect until June 6, 2020 unless rescinded, superseded, or amended by further Order. Failure to comply with this Order shall result in orders to disburse, and the imposition of penalties, fines, other remedies as provided for by law.

FURTHER, I authorize the Yeadon Borough Police Department to enforce this Emergency Proclamation.

STILL FURTHER, this EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION shall be in full force and effect for seven (7) days unless extended by Council.

The Honorable Rohan Hepkins

Download this notice as a PDF

Delaware County

Delaware County Provides Update on Primary Election

As of June 1, the County has sent out approximately 80,000 absentee or mail-in ballots. The County has made arrangements with the United State Postal Service to send 6,000 applications today.

Those applications will be delivered to homes by tomorrow. There are approximately 400 ballots that will not be mailed due to the timing and staffing constraints. Residents who do not receive their mail in ballot can vote provisionally at their polling location.

For residents who have not yet mailed in their ballot, you will have several options to have your vote counted.

Continue reading at…

SNAP for Seniors

Fruit and Vegetable Vouchers Available for Seniors


The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture provides $24 vouchers to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables at designated Farmers Markets. Call the Friendship Circle Senior Center at 610-237-6222 to request an application or download an electronic copy that can be found on the SCS website.

Complete application in full. Please include a self-addressed envelope with stamp so we may return your voucher coupons to you. Return by mail or drop off and place in the safe metal box located at the entrance on the porch of the center.

Friendship Circle, located on the Mercy Fitzgerald campus parking lot in Yeadon continues to provide meaningful activities for its members during this pandemic.

Friendship Circle on Facebook


Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Recovery Funding Accepting Applications

In response to the coronavirus (COVID- 19) health emergency, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) will be accepting applications for its Recovery Crisis Program beginning May 18, 2020. The program is scheduled to run through August 31, 2020, or until funds are exhausted — whichever comes first.

This program includes two components that will aid Pennsylvania residents who may need assistance with their heating costs due to the pandemic.

Crisis Applications: The 2019-2020 Crisis maximum benefit has been increased to $800. Any LIHEAP Crisis-eligible household, including those that met the previous maximum of $600, would be eligible for a Crisis grant under this program. You can find information about how to submit an application below.

Supplemental Benefits: Many households who received a LIHEAP Crisis payment during the regular LIHEAP season will receive a one-time issuance of $100. This payment will be sent to the vendor that received their most recent LIHEAP payment. Households who receive this issuance will be notified by mail. This $100 issuance will count towards the new maximum Crisis benefit amount for the household. This benefit will be issued automatically and no application is needed.
More information on applying, eligibility and more.

meeting notice

Borough Council to Hold Online Meeting via Teleconference Thursday, May 21

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a Legislative Meeting via teleconference on Thursday, May 21. The public is invited to join using the Zoom online platform.

Please be advised that on May 9, 2020, Zoom implemented a new policy to include passwords on all meetings due to security reasons. See detailed instructions on how to take part in this meeting.

Topic: Special Meeting – Yeadon Borough Council
Time: May 21, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 788 6493 7485

Password: 19050

Free COVID-19 Testing – Saturday, May 23 at St. Louis Parish Parking Lot

Saturday, May 23 – 10 am – 4 pm

St. Louis Parish Parking Lot
821 W. Cobbs Creek Parkway
Yeadon, PA 19050

If you are having coronavirus-type symptoms* or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive (or suspected to be positive for coronavirus) in the past 14 days, please pre-register at

*SYMPTOMS: Cough, sneeze, sore throat, shortness of breath, fever, loss of smell, loss of taste, diarrhea, or weakness.

No Wipes in the Pipes

Public Works Reminder: No Wipes in the Pipes

No matter what the package says, “flushable” wipes can cause an undue burden on our sewer system. Along with the increased use of disinfecting wipes, the presence of these items in our wastewater can cause serious problems with our infrastructure.

Please be mindful and do not flush these products:

• “Flushable” wipes
• Disinfecting and cleaning wipes
• Sanitary products
• Tissues
• Paper towels
• Napkins
• Cardboard and paper products
• Fabrics

Delco Online Presentation 5/18

County Holds Online Presentations Monday, May 18

Delaware County Council and the Department of Human Services will host an online presentation on Monday, May 18 at 3:30pm.
Presentations include:

  • Children & Youth Services
  • Delaware County Library Services
  • The Office of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Delaware County Council and the Department of Human Services will host an online presentation on May 18 at 4:15pm.
Presentations include:

  • County Offices of Services to the Aging (COSA)
  • DelCo Food Collaboration
  • Homeless Services

Residents can watch live both presentations on the County’s Facebook page or on the County’s website