Borough Council Legislative Meeting: Thursday, September 19 at 7:00 PM

Council Meeting Agenda

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a legislative meeting at 7:00 PM on Thursday, September 19, 2024.

The meeting takes place in the Borough Hall council chambers. The public is invited to attend and participate either in person or online via Zoom using the information below.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Meeting ID: 833 4419 2997
Passcode: 281951


Or One tap mobile:

+13052241968,,83344192997#,,,,*281951# US
+13092053325,,83344192997#,,,,*281951# US

Meeting Agenda: September 19, 2024

Accounts Payable List – September 2024


September 19, 2024

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Citizens’ Forum (Agenda Items Only – comments limited to 3 minutes)

4. Minute

a. Consideration to approve the August 15, 2024, Legislative Meeting Minutes

5. Mayor’s Report

6. President’s Report

7. Manager’s Report

a. Consideration for the advertising of Ordinance number 2024-004 Regulating Smoke Shops and Tobacco Stores.

b. Consideration for the adoption of Ordinance number 2024-005 amending 285-51 Metered Parking Lots Established.

c. Consideration for the advertisement of Ordinance number 2024-007 amending 285-34 Parking of Commercial, Heavy, and Recreational Vehicles Prohibited on Certain Streets.

d. Consideration to award the Yeadon Borough Towing Contract to Seiple’s Towing.

e. Consideration to approve the hiring of Katherine Gallagher to the position of Parttime Library Assistant at the rate of $13.50/hr. with an effective date of August 26, 2024.

f. Consideration to approve the hiring of Niphon Temple to the position of Code Enforcement Officer at the salary of $42,500 with an effective date of October 7, 2024, pending a completed and approved background check and Motor Vehicle Report.

g. Consideration to approve the resignation of Employee #10202 effective August 31, 2024.

h. Consideration to approve the resignation of Employee #9608 effective September 27, 2024.

i. Consideration to approve the termination of Employee #10256 effective August 19, 2024.

8. Solicitor’s Report

a. Consideration to approve the Agreement of Sale between the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Delaware and the Borough of Yeadon for the property located at 0 Church Lane.

9. Tax Collector’s Report

10. Engineer’s Report

a. Consideration to award the Community Park Improvement Project to Ernel Co. Inc.

b. Consideration to proceed with General Recreation Inc. COSTAR’s purchase of play equipment and park furnishings for Community Park.

11. Reports

A. Finance

a. Consideration of the Accounts Payable List for September 2024

b. Consideration of the July Cash Balance Report.

B. Ordinances & Zoning

C. Public Works

D. Public Safety

a. Police Department’s Report

b. Fire Department’s Report

c. Emergency Management’s Report

E. Recreation

11. Adjournment