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Have Your Registered to Vote?

Voter Registration

Join the Yeadon NAACP at the Yeadon Public Library – 809 Longacre Blvd, Yeadon – every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, between March 27th and April 12th to register to vote!

The deadline to register for the May 15th Primary Elections is April 16, 2018.

You may also conveniently register by clicking here.

Junior Councilor Maaya El

Introducing Junior Councilor Maaya El

The Borough Council is happy to introduce our new Junior Councilor – Maaya El. Maaya is an 11th grader at Penn Wood High School and was nominated by her School Counselor and highly recommended by the school Principal. Maaya is described as a brilliant student with strong leadership skills. We look forward to working with Maaya and exploring all the ideas and suggestions she puts forth.

The Junior Council Person program provides youth in our community an opportunity to get engaged in borough government and develop leadership skills. It allows borough officials to serve as mentors to students who will be future leaders in our community. It also will provide Yeadon Council a perspective that is seldom seen in government – and that is the ideas and thoughts of our youth in our community. There is one more position open and available for any Yeadon high School student that may be interested. Please click here to apply.

Yeadon Emergency Management Survey

Disaster can strike at any moment. We all have a responsibility to be ready. The Borough of Yeadon is required to ensure disaster preparedness for our community. We are asking you to complete this form to help us protect you and your family. The information will be used for the sole purpose of the Yeadon Emergency Management Agency. With this information we can assess the needs of our community in the event of a disaster, whether manmade or natural, and take steps to reduce loss of lives and property. Please take a few minutes to complete by clicking on the link below to get started. Thank you.

Click HERE!

Free Dental Care for Kids

Free Dental Care for Kids and Teens Available During Spring Break

Public Citizens for Children and Youth (PCCY) is offering free dental care for children 1 to 18 years old during the week of March 26 – April 2. The program is intended for children who are uninsured, have no dental insurance or haven’t been to the dentist in over six months.

Children will receive care in dentist’s offices in Delaware, Montgomery & Philadelphia counties.

Call PCCY to make an appointment (in any language) starting on March 12 at 215-563-5848 x21

For more information, see the program flyer or visit

Flag Day Sub-Committee Members Needed

The Recreation Committee is seeking community members who would like to be part of the Flag Day Sub-committee. As we all know, Flag Day is the biggest celebration in our small town and it gets bigger and better every year.

So if you would like to become part of the Flag Day sub-committee team then please contact Councilor Ron Francis at 267-418-0459 or email at

Youth Police Academy

Apply Now for Youth Police Academy

The police departments of Aldan, Clifton Heights, East Lansdowne, Lansdowne and Yeadon boroughs are holding a Youth Police Academy for ages 13 to 17. This eight-week police academy-style program meets on Thursday nights from March 1 through April 26, from 6 to 9 pm at the American Legion Post 1000, 106 Bonsall Avenue, Aldan, PA 19018. Participants learn about the U.S. Constitution and our legal system, as well as police practices and procedures.

The program is led by officers from all five departments, giving the police and young people a chance to get to know each other. There is a lot of practical, hands-on participation, and both officers and the participants will have a good time and learn a few things. For more information, please contact Bobbi Harris at the Lansdowne Police Department (610-623-0700), or download the 2018 Application Packet. This is a great program for young people who want to learn more about police work or are interested in a career in public safety.

Other resources:
Program Application
Program Flyer

Yeadon Student Wins American Legion Oratorical Contest

Lansdowne Post 65 representative Charlene Canning, a junior at Penn Wood High School, won the District 8 American Legion Oratorical Contest for High School students at the West Chester American Legion Post on Saturday, January 13. District 8 includes the counties of Delaware, Chester and Montgomery.

Following her win at this very demanding contest, Charlene advances to the next round on Saturday, January 27, for the Department of Pennsylvania American Legion contest in Spring City at the South Eastern Pennsylvania Veterans Center. Charlene is a very bright young lady and has hopes of becoming an attorney. Charlene lives in Yeadon.

Mr. Louis Tucker

Two Centennial Residents Honored

Two Centennial residents were honored at tonight’s legislative meeting. They are Yeadon oldest living residents: Ms. Maple Harley born on 9/13/1916 she is 101 years old and Mr. Louis Tucker who is born on 12/12/1912 he is now 105 years old.

concrete sidewalk

Yeadon Concrete Restoration and Clean Up

PECO contractors will be working throughout the Borough until the end of the year performing concrete restoration and cleaning up the service work at these locations:

900 block on Allen Rd
800 block on Arbor Rd
1000 block on Baird Rd
900 block on Bell Ave
900 block on Bullock Ave
1000 block on Callahan Ave
1000 & 1100 blocks on Duncan Ave
500 & 600 blocks on Fern St
800 & 900 blocks on Rundale Ave
1100 block on Stetser Ave
800, 1000 & 1100 blocks on Yeadon Ave