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Council Meetings

Council Meeting Agenda

June 5, 2023 at 7PM: Council Workshop Meeting


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1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. President’s Report
4. Manager’s Report
5. Solicitor’s Report
6. Tax Collector Report
7. Engineer’s Report
8. Mayor’s Report
9. Committee Reports

A. Finance
B. Community Affairs
C. Ordinances & Zoning
D. Public Works
E. Public Safety

i. Police Department’s Report
ii. Fire Department’s Report
iii. Emergency Management’s Report

F. Recreation

10. Citizens Forum (comments limited to 3 minutes)
11. Adjournment

Council Meeting Agenda

Legislative Meeting May 30, 2023 @ 7pm: Agenda

This meeting was originally scheduled for the 17th and the 25th. It will now be held on the 30th of May, 2023 at 7 PM on the 3rd floor in Council Chambers.


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1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Citizens Forum (agenda items only – comments limited to 3 minutes)
4. Finance Reports

a. Consideration of the Accounts Payable List for May.
b. Consideration of the Cash Balance Report for April.

5. New Business

a. Consideration of suspending Workshop Meetings for the summer months of June, July, and August.

6. Minutes

a. January 19, 2023, Legislative Meeting Minutes.
b. February 16, 2023, Legislative Meeting Minutes.
c. March 30, 2023, Special Meeting Minutes
d. May 1, 2023, Special Meeting Minutes

7. Engineer’s Report
8. President’s Report

a. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2023-004 The Commemoration of Juneteenth as an Annual Celebration of Black Economic Liberation.

9. Manager’s Report

a. Consideration of terminating employee with payroll number ending in 0226.
b. Consideration to adopt Ordinance #2023-1401 to add two permanent stop signs at the intersection of Parkview Blvd. and North Longacre Blvd.
c. Consideration to approve the updated Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Borough of Yeadon and SEIUL 32 BJ.
d. Consideration to adjust lot lines of two lots totaling 0.504 acres at 101 A Lincoln Avenue.

10. Solicitor’s Report
11. Tax Collector’s Report
12. Mayor’s Report
13.Committee Reports

A. Library
B. Community Affairs
C. Ordinances & Zoning
D. Public Works
E. Public Safety

a. Police Department’s Report
b. Fire Department’s Report
c. Emergency Management’s Report

F. Recreation

14. Old Business
15. Citizens Forum (non-agenda items- comments limited to 3 minutes)
16. Adjournment

Meeting Notice

Yeadon Borough Council Legislative Meeting January 16, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.


(view the agenda as a PDF)

1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Citizens Forum (agenda items only – comments limited to 3 minutes)
4. Reports

a. Consideration of the Accounts Payable List for February.
b. Consideration of the Cash Balance Report for January.

5. New Business
6. Minutes

a. December 5, 2022, Workshop Meeting Minutes
b. December 15, 2022, Legislative Meeting Minutes
c. December 20, 2022, Special Meeting Minutes
d. December 28, 2022, Special Meeting Minutes
e. January 3, 2023, Workshop Meeting Minutes
f. January 9, 2023, Special Meeting Minutes
g. January 19, 2023, Legislative Meeting Minutes

7. Engineer’s Report
8. President’s Report

a. Consideration to appoint a candidate to the Civil Service Commission.

9. Manager’s Report

a. Consideration of hiring Jevon Julal as a full-time Public Works employee.
b. Consideration of promoting Ricardo Maxi to Public Works Foreman.

10.Solicitor’s Report

a. Consideration to advertise for new Zoning Ordinance.

11. Tax Collector’s Report

12. Mayor’s Report

13. Committee Reports

A. Finance

B. Library

C. Community Affairs

D. Ordinances & Zoning

E. Public Works

F. Public Safety

    1. Police Department’s Report
    2. Fire Department’s Report
    3. Emergency Management’s Report

G. Recreation

14. Old Business

15. Citizens Forum (non-agenda items- comments limited to 3 minutes)

16. Adjournment

Meeting Notice

Yeadon Borough Workshop Meeting Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

The Workshop Meeting takes place in Yeadon Borough Hall, 2nd Floor, 600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050.


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  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call
  3. Old Business
  4. New Business
  5. President’s Report
  6. Manager’s Report
  7. Solicitor’s Report
  8. Tax Collector Report
  9. Engineer’s Report
  10. Mayor’s Report
  11. Committee Reports
    A. Finance
    B. Community Affairs
    C. Ordinances & Zoning
    D. Public Works
    E. Public Safety

a. Police Department’s Report
b. Fire Department’s Report
c. Emergency Management’s Report

F. Recreation

  1. Citizens Forum (comments limited to 3 minutes)
  2. Adjournment

Meeting Notice

Yeadon Borough Council Special Meeting Wednesday, December 28, 2022, at 8:00 p.m.

The Special Meeting takes place in Borough Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Yeadon Borough Hall, 600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050.


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  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call
  3. Citizen’s Forum (Agenda Items Only – comments limited to 3 minutes)
  4. New Business
    1. Consideration of approving the police contract between the Delaware County Lodge 27 of the Fraternal Order of Police and the Borough of Yeadon.
    2. Consideration of accepting the Efficiency Study as performed by the Valori Group.
    3. Consideration of accepting the recommendation of the Valori Group for the hiring of a Police Chief for the Yeadon Police Department.
  5. Adjournment

Council President Sharon Harris

Statement from Yeadon Borough Council President Sharon Council Harris Against Raising Taxes on Yeadon Residents

Yeadon Borough Logo BlueStatement from Yeadon Borough Council President Sharon Council Harris Against Raising Taxes on Yeadon Residents

December 20, 2022

I am voting “NO” tonight on any motion to raise taxes on Yeadon Borough residents.

The average combined real estate property taxes in the Borough is over $8,500 per year including local borough, school, county and sewer costs. There is no reason why we should place an added financial burden on our residents.

Unfortunately, the opposition members of Borough Council — LaToya Monroe, Liana Roadcloud and Nicole Beaty — do not see it this way. They are pushing hard to raise taxes on all Yeadon Borough property owners and blame Council leadership for the tax increase!

They continue spreading the lie that the Borough is not fiscally sound and teetering on bankruptcy.

As the saying goes: “Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.”

Here are the facts:

  • Yeadon now has a balanced budget of over $8 million. We have a $1.5 million-dollar surplus over the 2021 budget.
  • Last week our finance director, Nafis Nichols, presented a balanced budget for 2023 including a $1.1 million Federal Pandemic Relief payment issued to Yeadon Borough. This was calculated to cover increased expenses in 2022 with no need to raise your real estate taxes for 2023.
  • Opposing council members are still beating the drum to raise your taxes anyway — so they can deliver on their lie that the sky is falling, which they have been circulating on social media.
  • Let’s not forget that these are the same opposition council members who didn’t bat an eye when the Borough paid $387,000 of your tax dollars to settle with the Fraternal Order of Police after our former police chief, Anthony “Chachi” Paparo, broke the rules.
  • Mr. Paparo failed to follow rules, you paid the penalty as our taxpayers and the council members who want to raise your taxes tonight found it all perfectly fine.
  • Yeadon’s entire FOP settlement amount of nearly $400,000 came out of the Borough’s general fund, which pays the Borough’s bills and operates the town. We paid half of the settlement last year and half this year. Why are opposing council members silent about this $387,000 settlement with the FOP but vocal about raising your taxes?

My vote to raise your taxes at tonight’s council meeting is NO!!!