This meeting was originally scheduled for the 17th and the 25th. It will now be held on the 30th of May, 2023 at 7 PM on the 3rd floor in Council Chambers.
(download/view the PDF)
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Citizens Forum (agenda items only – comments limited to 3 minutes)
4. Finance Reports
a. Consideration of the Accounts Payable List for May.
b. Consideration of the Cash Balance Report for April.
5. New Business
a. Consideration of suspending Workshop Meetings for the summer months of June, July, and August.
6. Minutes
a. January 19, 2023, Legislative Meeting Minutes.
b. February 16, 2023, Legislative Meeting Minutes.
c. March 30, 2023, Special Meeting Minutes
d. May 1, 2023, Special Meeting Minutes
7. Engineer’s Report
8. President’s Report
a. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2023-004 The Commemoration of Juneteenth as an Annual Celebration of Black Economic Liberation.
9. Manager’s Report
a. Consideration of terminating employee with payroll number ending in 0226.
b. Consideration to adopt Ordinance #2023-1401 to add two permanent stop signs at the intersection of Parkview Blvd. and North Longacre Blvd.
c. Consideration to approve the updated Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Borough of Yeadon and SEIUL 32 BJ.
d. Consideration to adjust lot lines of two lots totaling 0.504 acres at 101 A Lincoln Avenue.
10. Solicitor’s Report
11. Tax Collector’s Report
12. Mayor’s Report
13.Committee Reports
A. Library
B. Community Affairs
C. Ordinances & Zoning
D. Public Works
E. Public Safety
a. Police Department’s Report
b. Fire Department’s Report
c. Emergency Management’s Report
F. Recreation
14. Old Business
15. Citizens Forum (non-agenda items- comments limited to 3 minutes)
16. Adjournment