Free Rain Barrel Workshop at Yeadon Borough Hall – Wednesday, May 14
Presented by the Pennsylvania Resources Council and the Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collective
Receive a free rain barrel and learn to manage storm water on your property!
Rain Barrels limited to 25 for this workshop; one per household
- SAVE MONEY by watering your garden with RAIN WATER!
- Conserve water & value resources
Rain Barrels:
- Reduce Water Pollution
- Reduce Local Flooding
- Provide Free Garden Water
- Save you Money
Attendees will learn about the problems associated with stormwater runoff, ways to conserve water in their homes, and watershed friendly landscaping techniques. The workshop will also cover the basics of how to install and maintain a rain barrel.
Wednesday, May 14 – 6:30 pm
Online Registration is Preferred
Financial and other support provided by the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Environmental Education Grants Program