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Borough News

Free Dental Care for Kids

Free Dental Care for Kids and Teens Available During Spring Break

Public Citizens for Children and Youth (PCCY) is offering free dental care for children 1 to 18 years old during the week of March 26 – April 2. The program is intended for children who are uninsured, have no dental insurance or haven’t been to the dentist in over six months.

Children will receive care in dentist’s offices in Delaware, Montgomery & Philadelphia counties.

Call PCCY to make an appointment (in any language) starting on March 12 at 215-563-5848 x21

For more information, see the program flyer or visit

Yeadon Borough Seeks Students to Serve as Junior Councilors

Borough Council is seeking two local students to serve as Junior Councilors as part of Yeadon’s participation in the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs’ Junior Council Person program. Participants must be high school students in 11th or 12th grade, residents of Yeadon, and willing to serve a one-year term.

The objective of this program is to help our youth understand how local government works and help make decisions that are necessary to govern. The Junior Councilor(s) will learn critical skills including team building and collaboration, public speaking, public engagement, budgeting, and running effective meetings. It will also allow the student(s) an opportunity to deliberate on issues that are affecting his or her community. As a result, the Junior Councilor(s) will be able to explain to their peers what municipal government is all about, and, in turn he/she will provide Yeadon Council with a perspective that is seldom seen in government – and that is the ideas and thoughts of our youth in our community.

Learn more about this program and apply.

County Reassessment 2020

Delaware County Council Contracts with Tyler Technologies for 2020 Reassessment

Delaware County Council has contracted with Tyler Technologies Inc. to provide real property appraisal services for the County’s 2020 general reassessment. The reassessment which was ordered by the Court in March 2017 will be effective for the 2021 tax year. The project, which is being implemented through the County Treasurer’s Office will utilize Tyler’s appraisal and street imaging services.

During the initial phase of this project Tyler will provide the County with detailed, high-resolution street level images beginning in December 2017. Tyler will photograph properties from inside white vans which will be clearly marked. The images will only be taken from the street and Tyler staff will not enter private property. The reassessment project includes data gathering, verification of data, establishment of assessed values and an opportunity to appeal.

The digital images will improve the quality of visual data used by the County and Tyler appraisers. The project will also allow verification and correction of address discrepancies. Additionally, the images will be helpful for emergency management recovery reports, necessary for state and federal assistance.

Tyler staff will be in Delaware County throughout the reassessment process, concluding in 2020. During the duration of the project Tyler will be in communication with the County, providing county officials and local law enforcement updates on current collection locations and expected duration.

To alleviate any privacy concerns images will not be taken of homeowners and/or children. For further information, residents can contact the County Treasurer’s Office: 610-891-4879.

Read the original press release

Borough Hall

Yeadon Borough Council Legislative Meeting – Thursday, February 15

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a Legislative Meeting at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 15th in Borough Council Chambers (3rd Floor).

If any person who wishes to attend the meeting and has a disability and/or requires auxiliary aid service or other accommodation to observe or participate in the proceedings then please contact the Borough Secretary at 610-284-1606 in ADVANCE to discuss how those needs may best be accommodated.

Flag Day Sub-Committee Members Needed

The Recreation Committee is seeking community members who would like to be part of the Flag Day Sub-committee. As we all know, Flag Day is the biggest celebration in our small town and it gets bigger and better every year.

So if you would like to become part of the Flag Day sub-committee team then please contact Councilor Ron Francis at 267-418-0459 or email at

Youth Police Academy

Apply Now for Youth Police Academy

The police departments of Aldan, Clifton Heights, East Lansdowne, Lansdowne and Yeadon boroughs are holding a Youth Police Academy for ages 13 to 17. This eight-week police academy-style program meets on Thursday nights from March 1 through April 26, from 6 to 9 pm at the American Legion Post 1000, 106 Bonsall Avenue, Aldan, PA 19018. Participants learn about the U.S. Constitution and our legal system, as well as police practices and procedures.

The program is led by officers from all five departments, giving the police and young people a chance to get to know each other. There is a lot of practical, hands-on participation, and both officers and the participants will have a good time and learn a few things. For more information, please contact Bobbi Harris at the Lansdowne Police Department (610-623-0700), or download the 2018 Application Packet. This is a great program for young people who want to learn more about police work or are interested in a career in public safety.

Other resources:
Program Application
Program Flyer

meeting notice

Yeadon Borough Council Caucus Workshop Meeting: Thursday, February 8th

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a Caucus Workshop at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 8th in Borough Council Chambers (3rd Floor).

If any person who wishes to attend the meeting has a disability and/or requires auxiliary aid service or other accommodation to observe or participate in the proceedings, please contact the Borough Secretary (610-284-1606) in ADVANCE to discuss how those needs may best be accommodated.

Yeadon Police Chief: Kids Design Contest

Calling on ALL creative children in Yeadon! Police Chief Paparo needs your help!

Chief Paparo is searching for talented children who live in Yeadon to help change our police cars and uniform patches. The Chief is looking for a creative design that residents and visitors of Yeadon will think is really cool! Do you have what it takes? Would you like to win a prize? Winners’ artwork could end up on the side of our police cars and worn by every Yeadon Police Officer.

The top three designs will be considered in whole or in part for inclusion in the new look of our police cars and patches. Winners will receive the following:

First Place: $100 gift card
Second Place: $50 gift card
Third Place: $30 gift card

CONTEST deadline is Wednesday – February 28, 2018. Winners will be announced within a week of this deadline.

All entrants can submit their artwork and contact information to:

Police Chief Anthony Paparo
Yeadon Police Department
600 Church Lane, 1st Floor
Yeadon PA 19050

Black History Month Events at Yeadon Public Library

Be sure to stop by the Yeadon Public Library for Black History Themed Events.

Thursday, February 1 (7:00 PM)
Join Chef Lawrence Washington as he takes us through “The History of Soul Food”. You will experience a first-hand taste and history lesson of some of that “Good Ol’ Soul Food” and recipes.

Thursday, February 15 (7:00 PM)
He’ssss Back!! Chef Lawrence Washington shares the best of Vegetarian & Vegan cuisine and recipes!

Saturday, February 17 (12:00 PM – 3:00 PM)
Dr. Patricia Diaw presenting “My Ancestors Were Not Slaves

Thursday, February 22 (7:00 PM)
Let’s Do It Again, One Mo’ Time! In Celebration of Black History Month, you are invited to join Chef Lawrence Washington & Friends for a “Chat & Chew Art Exhibit.’ Spoken word and visual art of local artist, Erice Reid.

Saturday, February 24 (4:00 PM)
Annual Black History Month “Lift Every Voice & Celebrate High Tea
If you are interested in supporting the Yeadon Public Library’s services, programs and activities then please come out. Registration is required for this event. To register, please stop by the Library’s front desk or email: to confirm your attendance by February 17th.

Tuesday, February 27 (7:00 PM)
Book Signing Series Featuring: Rachel Slaughter, Author of “Daddy, Read to Me”

Police Alert: Car Break-Ins, January 25

A Message from Police Chief Anthony Paparo:

Overnight we had several cars broken into and ransacked. If your car was entered, please ensure you report this to us, regardless of the fact if nothing was taken. We are actively working to catch these criminals, but we need your help. I wish I could tell you we could be everywhere, but we all know that with other calls for service it only takes a few minutes for us to leave an area and this to occur. But together we can prevent it by reporting anything out of the ordinary by being vigilant. Don’t leave anything in view that may tempt someone to break in, and DONT HESITATE TO CALL US. If you think something is wrong CALL US. You are not bothering us, let me make that clear, not one call to us for service is bothering us. I hear that over and over again. Know I and the officers of YOUR Department will not rest until we catch and prosecute the thieves involved in this. If you have cameras about your property please review them for me, and if you have video of suspicious persons or vehicles that may help us identify them, please call me at 610-623-7611 so I can have an officer respond.

Stay safe, Chief Paparo