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Reminder: Wrong-Way Parking is Illegal in Yeadon

Yeadon Parking Reminder

Yeadon Police Department

In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to park facing the wrong way on a street, meaning you must always park parallel to the curb and with your vehicle facing the same direction as the traffic flow on the road; parking against the flow of traffic is considered a violation under state law.

§ 3354. Additional parking regulations.

(a) Two-way highways. –Except as otherwise provided in this section, every vehicle standing or parked upon a two-way highway shall be positioned parallel to and with the right-hand wheels within 12 inches of the right-hand curb or, in the absence of a curb, as close as practicable to the right edge of the right-hand shoulder.

(b) One-way highways.–Except as otherwise provided in this section, every vehicle standing or parked upon a one-way highway shall be positioned parallel to the curb or edge of the highway in the direction of authorized traffic movement with its right-hand wheels within 12 inches of the right-hand curb or, in the absence of a curb, as close as practicable to the right edge of the right-hand shoulder, or with its left-hand wheels within 12 inches of the left-hand curb or, in the absence of a curb, as close as practicable to the left edge of the left-hand shoulder.