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Strong African American Families Program Offers Support for Families with Youths Ages 9-14

Strong African American Families (SAAF) is an interactive and educational program designed to strengthen positive family interactions. SAAF offers a unique approach for youth and family caregivers to build family strength, enhance family and racial pride, and understand risk and protective factors for African-American youth in reducing risky behavior, including alcohol and drug abuse.

The seven-week program takes place online via Zoom and begins September 23 from 5:00 PM to 6:45 PM, with subsequent sessions weekly through November 4.

To sign up, call or text Artheria at 484-278-1407. Email

If there’s a need for families to have an electronic device in order to participate, Child and Family Focus will loan the family a tablet for the 7 weekly sessions. Also, each family will be offered a free meal plus they can win prizes for the parents and youth.

Strong African American Families Program