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Tag: Police Officer

Yeadon Police Chief: Kids Design Contest

Calling on ALL creative children in Yeadon! Police Chief Paparo needs your help!

Chief Paparo is searching for talented children who live in Yeadon to help change our police cars and uniform patches. The Chief is looking for a creative design that residents and visitors of Yeadon will think is really cool! Do you have what it takes? Would you like to win a prize? Winners’ artwork could end up on the side of our police cars and worn by every Yeadon Police Officer.

The top three designs will be considered in whole or in part for inclusion in the new look of our police cars and patches. Winners will receive the following:

First Place: $100 gift card
Second Place: $50 gift card
Third Place: $30 gift card

CONTEST deadline is Wednesday – February 28, 2018. Winners will be announced within a week of this deadline.

All entrants can submit their artwork and contact information to:

Police Chief Anthony Paparo
Yeadon Police Department
600 Church Lane, 1st Floor
Yeadon PA 19050