Public Safety Committee Update on the COVID-19 Pandemic – May 2021
I hope this communication finds you and your loved ones in good health and spirits as the COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult and unusual time for us here in Yeadon and around the nation. As Co-Chairs of the Borough’s Public Safety Committee, Councilor Dr. Dolores McCabe, Council President LaToya Monroe and myself wanted to share some information and updates on where we stand with handling the COVID-19 Pandemic during 2020 and 2021.
Earlier on in the crisis, the elected members of the Public Safety Committee coordinated weekly virtual meetings with our Borough Solicitor, Chief of Police, Chief of Fire, Emergency Management Coordinator, Public Works Director, and Borough Management to make certain that we were gathering the most updated relevant information to protect all Yeadon residents and Borough employees.
These Tuesday meetings also allowed Dr. McCabe, Council President and me to get a better understanding of what resources to leverage from our county, state, and federal colleagues for our Borough. At the onset of the pandemic, we were able to allow our voices to be heard over others which resulted in a flood of support. As Mayor, I declared a Borough State of Emergency to comply with the Governor’s mandates, which was only to help with reducing the spread of the deadly virus and again ensure Public Safety.
Through this Public Safety committee, we lobbied for many lifesaving resources to address the needs of our beloved Borough that we were elected to serve. Councilor Dr. McCabe and I were VERY ADAMANT to make sure that all of the things listed below were priorities to accomplish, and we were successful:
- Our residents had access to COVID-19 testing time and time again through the Black Doctors Consortium and other avenues where over 700 residents were tested that we coordinated.
- Our Borough remained SAFE during civil unrest at a time that we have never seen before by increased police patrols;
- Our residents would have an extended period to pay their Borough taxes at the 2% discount rate through our Tax Collector’s office of Mrs. J. James;
- Our first responders and essential staff members of the Borough had the appropriate PPE gear needed to provide services to residents at all times;
- Our most vulnerable population had access to meals through “Grab N Go’s” and food giveaways (over 20 events throughout this difficult time).
- All Borough media outlets were ramped up with a plethora of information to assist residents with county, state, and federal services, even sending push notifications through Delco Alerts;
- Our residents who unexpectedly lost employment were connected to officials who could assist with unemployment compensation issues;
- That Delaware County officials provide more resources, which landed the ONLY county run Health Clinic in OUR Borough to address COVID-19 related issues;
- We had Yeadon residents specific COVID-19 vaccinations conducted where over 1,700 residents were scheduled for vaccines through our call centers;
Our Borough facilities were cleaned thoroughly with COVID-19 approved products; - We still conduct the quarterly Mayor’s Citizen’s Forum as an outlet for residents to remain actively engaged and receive updated information related to COVID-19 and the Borough.
These are just a few of the many things done while still making sure that the business of the Borough continued and, we offered a safe environment to live, work, and enjoy. As we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel of normalcy, we will continue to increase these and more efforts. COVID-19 has truly been an eye-opening experience for us all. It has allowed us to change in ways we thought we could not to survive but has also made us stronger.
We are currently awaiting the disbursement of the Borough’s share ($1,140,000) of the President’s America Rescue Plan Act Funds that will allow us to increase our Public Safety and infrastructure efforts in the Borough. Borough Hall is now bright with additional lighting and we are closer than ever on our Borough-wide Camera system.
Yeadon is on the MOVE and ready to continue to move once we all have our vaccines and the CDC restrictions lessen. As always, the Public Safety committee meets the fourth Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. and we look forward for you joining us to hear more about our efforts.
Yours Very Truly,
Mayor Rohan K. Hepkins