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Author: Nafis Nichols

Council Reorganization Meeting 3018

Yeadon Borough Council Reorganization Meeting

At the January 2nd special meeting, council chambers was packed with residents to witness the swearing in and reorganization of Yeadon Borough Council. Newly elected Councilors Ronald Francis, Rafi Cave, and incumbent Clara Johnson were sworn in by Mayor Rohan Hepkins. The Honorable Reverend Dr. W. Wilson Goode, former Mayor of Philadelphia, was the special guest of the evening. He administered the oath of office to Dr. Dolores McCabe and newly elected Tax Collector Julian James. Councilwoman LaToya Monroe was voted the new Council President by her colleagues and Ronald Francis was voted Vice President.

Aqua PA

Aqua PA Water Main Replacement Project

Scheduled to begin the week of January 2, 2018, Aqua PA. Inc. will replace the existing 4 and 6 inch cast iron and cement mains on the following streets as part of their ongoing infrastructure improvement program.

  • Church Lane from Baily Road to Chester Avenue
  • Redwood and Cedar Avenues from Church Lane to Yeadon Avenue
  • Yeadon Avenue from Redwood Avenue to 628 Yeadon Avenue
  • Darnell Avenue from Church Lane to Bullock Avenue
  • Bullock Avenue from Darnell Avenue to Chester Avenue

Please click here for further information.

Mr. Louis Tucker

Two Centennial Residents Honored

Two Centennial residents were honored at tonight’s legislative meeting. They are Yeadon oldest living residents: Ms. Maple Harley born on 9/13/1916 she is 101 years old and Mr. Louis Tucker who is born on 12/12/1912 he is now 105 years old.

concrete sidewalk

Yeadon Concrete Restoration and Clean Up

PECO contractors will be working throughout the Borough until the end of the year performing concrete restoration and cleaning up the service work at these locations:

900 block on Allen Rd
800 block on Arbor Rd
1000 block on Baird Rd
900 block on Bell Ave
900 block on Bullock Ave
1000 block on Callahan Ave
1000 & 1100 blocks on Duncan Ave
500 & 600 blocks on Fern St
800 & 900 blocks on Rundale Ave
1100 block on Stetser Ave
800, 1000 & 1100 blocks on Yeadon Ave