Author: Nafis Nichols
Yeadon Borough Council Legislative Meeting January 16, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Citizens Forum (agenda items only – comments limited to 3 minutes)
4. Reports
a. Consideration of the Accounts Payable List for February.
b. Consideration of the Cash Balance Report for January.
5. New Business
6. Minutes
a. December 5, 2022, Workshop Meeting Minutes
b. December 15, 2022, Legislative Meeting Minutes
c. December 20, 2022, Special Meeting Minutes
d. December 28, 2022, Special Meeting Minutes
e. January 3, 2023, Workshop Meeting Minutes
f. January 9, 2023, Special Meeting Minutes
g. January 19, 2023, Legislative Meeting Minutes
7. Engineer’s Report
8. President’s Report
a. Consideration to appoint a candidate to the Civil Service Commission.
9. Manager’s Report
a. Consideration of hiring Jevon Julal as a full-time Public Works employee.
b. Consideration of promoting Ricardo Maxi to Public Works Foreman.
10.Solicitor’s Report
a. Consideration to advertise for new Zoning Ordinance.
11. Tax Collector’s Report
12. Mayor’s Report
13. Committee Reports
A. Finance
B. Library
C. Community Affairs
D. Ordinances & Zoning
E. Public Works
F. Public Safety
- Police Department’s Report
- Fire Department’s Report
- Emergency Management’s Report
G. Recreation
14. Old Business
15. Citizens Forum (non-agenda items- comments limited to 3 minutes)
16. Adjournment
The 2023 Calendars are Here!
The 2023 Yeadon Borough Calendars are here!
Calendars have been mailed out to residents and they are available to pick up at Borough Hall on the third floor.
Stay up to date with important dates regarding Council Meetings, trash pickup, etc.
Ready Delco Cold Weather Plan
View this information as a PDF
The Delaware County Cold Weather Plan (CWP) is in effect from November 1st to April 1st. The CWP describes how we coordinate to provide cold weather education and other services for those who are vulnerable and homeless in Delaware County. Many of the services described are in place and operational regardless of the temperature, however, in times of severe winter weather, overflow shelter beds, when possible, are made available and expanded outreach occurs. The Delaware County Department of Human Services, Adult and Family Services coordinates the County shelter programs and oversees the Winter Shelter Plan (WSP) for homeless persons. In addition, the County Office of Intercommunity Health and the County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA), both provide other services and education to the community regarding cold weather survival.
Initiating the Winter Shelter Plan:
The goal of the WSP is to ensure that vulnerable homeless people come in from the cold and are warm and safe. Delaware County does not formally declare a “Code Blue.” The three shelter programs listed below are experienced and practiced in sheltering persons during severe weather situations. If they cannot provide shelter directly, vulnerable persons are referred to other programs for the evening.
This happens when the temperatures reach 32 degrees or below and programs implement their extended services hours, expanded outreach and overflow beds practices.
Shelters and Overflow Beds – The following shelter programs offer overflow beds.
Life Center of Eastern Delaware County 6310 Market Street, Upper Darby
(610) 734-5770
Single, Adults. Number of Beds: 32 Overflow: 7
Salvation Army
151 West 15th Street, Chester (610) 874-0423
Single, Adults, Number of Beds 30 Overflow: 5
Community Action Agency,
Temporary Emergency Shelter Program Voucher based for vulnerable households
(610) 874-8451 – Intake, overnight and weekend answering service. Vulnerable families & single adults Beds: N/A
Overflow: As needed
Expanded Outreach
During Code Blue conditions, Outreach staff will circulate in areas frequented by homeless persons. The goal of the Outreach Team is to locate homeless persons and bring them to safety in a warm facility. Overflow shelter beds will be utilized for identified homeless persons before other alternatives are explored. Persons identified during outreach activities are required to complete a Coordinated Entry Assessment and are encouraged to engage in ongoing services for homeless persons to stabilize their housing needs. Outreach services are provided by Horizon House, 24 hours a day, on a rotating 5-day schedule. Horizon House can be contacted at (267) 671-4357.
Community Education and Awareness
To ensure that the Delaware County community knows the resources available for residents during the winter months and where to find those resources, the following education and awareness activities take place:
Homeless Services Coalition, Adult and Family Services annually updates, produces and distributes the Emergency Shelter Resource Directory. The Directory details shelter programs, the referral process and their Winter Shelter Plan role if applicable. This directory is distributed countywide to police stations, municipalities, county and local government offices, libraries, elected officials, school districts, etc.
The Survival Guide to Homeless Services, is also distributed county-wide. Both documents are available online at: rvival_Guide.pdf
The Survival Guide is located at: rvival_Guide.pdf
The Delaware County Health Department – Provides information to help people avoid medical emergencies, such as hypothermia and frost bite. 484-276-2100 (Available 24/7) or
The Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA) – Extends outreach to senior citizens, conducts outreach and wellness checks on vulnerable seniors and prepares and distributes the pamphlet “Winter Weather Warm Up” – Tips to Staying Healthy in the Cold Winter Months.” Cold weather tips can also be heard on COSA’s informational-only weather phone line (610) 872-1558 from December 1 through April 1 each year. (610) 490-1300 or
Community Action Agency (CAADC) – The County’s official anti-poverty agency can assistant economically disadvantaged eligible households through their weatherization program. On a limited basis, CAADC can provide heating oil assistance and can assist people in applying for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) which helps people afford their winter heating bills. (610) 874-8451 or
For more information visit:
Yeadon Borough Chief of Police Swearing-In Ceremony and Reception Photos
Police Chief Swearing-In Ceremony & Reception Video Highlights
Swearing-In Ceremony for Henry J. Giammarco Jr.
Public Library Event on The Last Wednesday of Every Month: Scrabble
For the latest information on events at the Yeadon Public Library, please visit their website or view their events calendar.
Public Library Event on Every Tuesday: “Yayy Morning Stretch”
For the latest information on events at the Yeadon Public Library, please visit their website or view their events calendar.
Public Library Event: Children’s Music Storytime (January & February)
For the latest information on events at the Yeadon Public Library, please visit their website or view their events calendar.
Multicultural Chat Chew Attracts a Nice Mix of Yeadon Neighbors
We are happy to share that Yeadon neighbors came out and enjoyed our Multicultural Chat and Chew event! Not only did our incoming chief of police, Henry Giammarco, come out to meet some of our neighbors, he brought a huge tomato pie with him. Our picture wall was a hit, diversity took center stage and there were plenty of good eats for everyone. The event was hosted by Councilwoman Taliah Jones-Waters and the Yeadon Community Affairs Committee. Until next time, let’s all try to be good neighbors to one another.
Yeadon Public Library Community Calendar for January 2023
Yeadon Public Library Community Calendar for Children and Adult Programming for January 2023
Morning Stretch
Tuesday, January 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st , 10:30 AM-11:30 AM|
Yeadon Borough Hall – 600 Church Lane, 2nd Floor
Story Time with Faith Balsama
Wednesday, January 11th, 10:30 AM-11:00 AM
Library Friends Meeting
On behalf of the Friends of Yeadon Public Library, we encourage you to come out and make a difference!
Thursday, January 12th, 6:00 PM
Teen Movie Day – “The Hate U Give”
Friday, January 13th, 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
C&C Presents: What’s Holding You Back? – “Vision Board Workshop”
Saturday, January 14th,12:00 PM-3:00 PM
SPACES ARE LIMITED. To register, go to: OR call 610-623-4090 to reserve your space!
Martin Luther King (MLK) Day of Service
Monday, January 16th (More Details TBA)
Contact Library: 610-623-4090
Story Time with Faith Balsama
Wednesday, January 25th, 10:30 AM-11:00 AM
Scrabble Club
Wednesday, January 25th, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Evening Readers Book Club: “1984” By George Orwell
Wednesday, January 25th, 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Yeadon Public Library Board Meeting
Thursday, January 26th, 7:00 PM
For more information, regarding our children’s programming & registration, please email:
For more information, regarding adult programming, please email:
Administrative Assistant:
Visit our website for our library events calendar at:
Spaces are limited, contact library at 610-634-4090
Friends of Yeadon Public Library