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Author: Nafis Nichols


A Message from PECO

PECO Responds to Tropical Storm Isias

On Tuesday, August 4, our region experienced Tropical Storm Isaias, which ravaged the area with high winds and heavy rain. Some local areas experienced high wind gusts, which brought down trees, damaged buildings, and in more extreme cases, destroyed property.

As a result, electric equipment has been damaged, and is impacting electric service for 300,000 customers. Our crews are actively assessing the damage, and are focused on aggressively working to restore service to customers as quickly and safely as possible.

PECO’s Emergency Response Organization is activated with crews working around the clock to restore service. We won’t stop until every customer has their lights on. Thank you for your continued patience during these difficult times – we will power through this together.

Covid testing

COVID-19 testing for Delaware County Residents – August 11, 12 and 13 in Lansdowne

Delaware County will be offering drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing for residents on August 11, 12 and 13 in Lansdowne.

Residents 12 years of age and older are eligible to be tested. Critical and essential workforce—including first responders, healthcare system employees, grocery workers—and those at higher risk, including residents over the age of 65 and those with pre-existing health conditions, will be given priority.
Testing will be conducted by trained medical staff utilizing a nasal swab (PCR) test kit. Testing is free of charge for residents without health insurance. There are no out-of-pocket fees or co-pays for residents with private or public health insurance. Residents are asked to please bring their insurance card to the testing site. Upon arrival, residents will need to complete a registration form and a consent form.

Pre-Register Here

Testing will be conducted by trained medical staff utilizing a nasal swab (PCR) test kit. Testing is free of charge for residents without health insurance. There are no out-of-pocket fees or co-pays for residents with private or public health insurance. Please bring your insurance card to the testing site. Upon arrival, residents will need to complete a registration form and a consent form.

Test results will take up to 5-7 business days and will be sent by mail. Residents who test positive will also receive a call from the Chester County Health Department.
Residents are asked to wear a mask/face covering.

Lansdowne Fire Company: 26 N. Highland Avenue, Lansdowne, PA 19050

August 11: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
August 12: 12:00 PM – 5:30 PM
August 13: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Please Pre-Register Here or call 610-891-6129 to pre-register; walk-up testing will also be available. 

Additional COVID-19 public testing sites in Delaware County are being added and announced. More information on COVID-19 testing, symptoms, and resources can be found here.
August Covid testing in Lansdowne

William Penn School District

Reopening Schools: William Penn School Board Meeting Wednesday, Aug. 5th

The William Penn School Board of Directors has scheduled a meeting on Reopening Schools, to be held Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 6:30 pm. You may access the meeting using the information below or at

Please click the link below to join:

Passcode: 642979

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16465588656,,84191574955#,,,,,,0#,,642979# or +13017158592,,84191574955#,,,,,,0#,,642979#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799
Webinar ID: 841 9157 4955
Passcode: 642979

COVID testing

COVID-19 Testing in Upper Darby Aug. 4-6 Canceled

Delaware County will be offering drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing for residents on August 5 and 6 in Upper Darby.

UPDATED 8/4: Please be aware that due to the intense weather system associated with Tropical Storm Isaias, Delaware County is canceling the drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing scheduled for Tuesday, August 4, in Upper Darby.

Due to the intense weather system associated with Tropical Storm Isaias, Delaware County has canceled drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing scheduled for Wednesday, August 5, and Thursday, August 6, at the Watkins Senior Center in Upper Darby. The Senior Center will be used as a temporary shelter for residents displaced by the storm.

Delaware County will be re-scheduling COVID-19 testing in Upper Darby in September. Exact date and location will be shared in the coming weeks.

The next county-sponsored testing will occur next week in Lansdowne at the Lansdowne Fire Company at 26 N. Highland Avenue, Lansdowne, PA 19050.

Residents that have pre-registered for Tuesday, August 4, can re-register for testing for the following week in Lansdowne at or by phone at (610) 891-6129. We apologize for this inconvenience. Walk-up testing will also be available.

Testing will be held at the Lansdowne Fire Company at 26 N. Highland Avenue, Lansdowne, PA 19050. For more information on testing and an interactive map with dozens of COVID-19 test sites in Delaware County, residents are asked to visit

Residents 12 years of age and older are eligible to be tested. Critical and essential workforce—including first responders, healthcare system employees, grocery workers—and those at higher risk, including residents over the age of 65 and those with pre-existing health conditions, will be given priority.

Pre-Register Here

Testing will be conducted by trained medical staff utilizing a nasal swab (PCR) test kit. Testing is free of charge for residents without health insurance. There are no out-of-pocket fees or co-pays for residents with private or public health insurance. Please bring your insurance card to the testing site. Upon arrival, residents will need to complete a registration form and a consent form.

Test results will take up to 5-7 business days and will be sent by mail. Residents who test positive will also receive a call from the Chester County Health Department.
Residents are asked to wear a mask/face covering.

Watkins Senior Center: 326 Watkins Avenue, Upper Darby, PA 19082

August 4: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM CANCELED
August 5: 12:00 PM – 5:30 PM
August 6: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Please Pre-Register Here or call 610-891-6129 to pre-register; walk-up testing will also be available. 

Additional COVID-19 public testing sites in Delaware County are being added and announced. More information on COVID-19 testing, symptoms, and resources can be found here.
August Covid testing in Upper Darby Canceled

Storm Warning

Weather Alert: Storm Warning

Please tune into the news stations for updated information regarding the Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaias that is expected on the East Coast on Tuesday, August 4.

Everyone should be careful not to drive through standing water or be out driving in a torrential downpour. The winds are anticipated to be strong. Please remain inside, if possible.

Here are some tips for preparing for a tropical storm or hurricane:

Stay out of floodwater.

  • Always follow warnings about flooded roads.
  • Do not drive in flooded areas—cars or other vehicles will not protect you from floodwaters. They can be swept away or may stall in moving water.
  • If you have to be in or near floodwater, wear a life jacket, especially if the water is rising.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water if you have been in floodwater. If you do not have soap or water, use alcohol-based wipes or sanitizer. Floodwater can contain many things that may harm health, including germs, dangerous chemicals, human and livestock waste, wild or stray animals, downed power lines, and other contaminants that can make you sick.

Never use a wet electrical device.

  • Turn off the power at the main breaker in your house if the device is still plugged in. Wait for an electrician to check the device before using it.
  • If the power is out, use flashlights instead of candles. If you have to use candles, keep them away from anything that can catch fire. Always stay near lit candles.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher handy, and make sure your family knows how to use it.

Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Fuel-burning equipment creates carbon monoxide (CO). This can include equipment like generators, pressure washers, charcoal grills, and camp stoves. You cannot smell or see carbon monoxide, but if it builds up in your home, it can cause sudden illness and death.
  • Never use portable gasoline or coal-burning equipment or camp stoves inside your home, basement, or garage. Keep it outside and at least 20 feet from any window, door, or vent.
  • Use a battery-operated or battery backup CO detector any time you use a generator or anything else that burns fuel.
    If you have a CO detector and it starts beeping, leave your home right away and call 911.

Be careful near damaged buildings.

  • Do not enter a damaged building until local authorities determine it is safe. Hurricanes can damage buildings and make them unsafe.
  • Leave your home or building if you hear shifting or unusual noises. Strange noises could mean the building about to fall.

Stay away from power lines.

  • Watch out and stay clear of fallen power lines that may be hanging overhead or on the ground. Call the electric company to report them.

Protect yourself from animals and pests.

  • Stay away from wild or stray animals after a storm. Call 911 or your public health department to report them.
  • Use insect repellent (bug spray) with DEET or picaridin. Wear long sleeves, pants, and socks when you are outside.
  • Report dead animals to local officials.