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Electronic Waste Collection

Electronic Waste Collection Events on November 20 and December 18

The E-Waste Collection will be held on every last Friday of the month at the Public Works Garage located at 1115 Baily Road, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Due to the Borough being closed on the holidays for the months of November and December, the event will be rescheduled to November 20 and December 18.

Permissible items:

• Air conditioners
• Bikes
• Care parts
• Dehumidifiers
• Dishwashers
• Clothes dryer
• Freezers
• Grills
• Metal filing cabinets
• Microwave ovens
• Refrigerators
• Stoves
• Metal swing sets
• Water heaters
• Washing machines
• Trash compactors
• Flat screen TVs
• Computers
• Lap tops
• Anything metal but televisions

Stormwater House Calls

Free Program Available to Help with Stormwater Management at Your Home

The Stream Smart Stormwater House Call program creates opportunities for improved stormwater management on private property in densely urbanized watersheds where most of the land area is occupied by single-family homes. Our program will help educate you on stormwater pollution and provide an opportunity to have a stormwater audit/assessment of your property.

The audit/assessment will identify changes you can take to reduce stormwater runoff leaving your property. Each audit/assessment will provide owners with a detailed report regarding the current stormwater situation on the property, and the various best management practices you can take to reduce this impact.

The audits/assessments are provided by representatives from one or more than one of the following organizations depending upon where you live. You are welcome to call the contact person noted for your watershed organization to get more information about the Stream Smart program.

To learn more, visit

Streamsmart flyer

Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted Lanternfly Virtual Town Hall – Wednesday, July 15

The Spotted Lanternfly Virtual Town Hall live webinar, led by Penn State Extension Master Gardener Sam Barnett, will catch us up on the most recent research and teach us what we can do in our own yards to combat the Spotted Lanternfly. State Representative Jennifer O’Mara is partnering with the Master Gardeners of Delaware County to help residents learn what works and what doesn’t.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM ET

Any concerned Pennsylvania citizen wanting to learn more about how to combat the Spotted Lanternfly

Electronic Waste Collection

Electronic Waste Collection – Saturday, July 18 at Yeadon Public Works

On Saturday, July 18, 2020, Yeadon hosts an Electronic Waste Collection event at the Public Works garage, 1115 Baily Road.

B&L Disposal will have a dumpster set up outside the Public Works Yard and employees will be on hand to assist residents with unloading cars.

Electrical and electronic devices such as, TV’s, computer monitors, clocks, radios, etc. may be dropped off for collection from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Public Works Garage located at 1115 Baily Road.

Large appliances will not be accepted.

Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted Lanternfly a Threat to PA Agriculture, Hardwoods, and Private Property

A quarantine is in place to help contain the spread of this invasive pest. Learn more about the quarantine.

Businesses in the quarantine zone are required to have permits for moving anything into, out of, or around in the zone. Do YOU need one? Find out!

Additional Information


Electronic Waste Collection Event Saturday Dec. 1

On Saturday, December 1, Yeadon hosts an Electronic Waste Collection from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at 1115 Baily Road (right across from Kerr Field). The event will be held outside of the Public Works garage. We will be accepting the following: all electronic toys, games, computers, monitors, television/radios, stereos and other items with plug. Large appliances will not be accepted.

Ozone Alert issued for Wednesday, Sept. 5

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and its regional air quality partnerships have forecast a Code Orange Air Quality Action Day for ozone on Wednesday, September 5, 2018, for the southeast region of Pennsylvania.

Young children, the elderly and those with respiratory problems, such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis, are especially vulnerable to the effects of air pollution and should limit outdoor activities.

An orange level represents unhealthy pollution levels for sensitive people.

To help keep the air healthy, residents and business are encouraged to voluntarily restrict certain pollution-producing activities by:

• Refueling cars and trucks after dusk

• Setting air conditioner thermostats to a higher temperature

• Carpooling or using public transportation; and

• Combining errands to reduce trips.

For more information see the full DEP news release: