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Cam Saw It

Own a Surveillance Camera? Register with the Police Department’s Cam Saw It! Program

Today, no matter where you go, what you do, at some point your activity is caught on camera. This video can at times provide law enforcement with crucial evidence, or help identify a potential suspect in a crime. Whether you own cameras for a business or residence, your voluntary participation with crime fighting can help make a difference when you provide video surveillance to law enforcement for investigative purposes. Yeadon’s Cam Saw It! (CSI) program is one more partnership with our community to help deter and solve crime. The CSI program is voluntary and your registration does not authorize Yeadon Police or any other law enforcement agency to enter your home or access your camera system without your expressed permission or knowledge.

To register your camera with the Yeadon Police Department’s Cam Saw It! Program, please download the complete application and terms and return when completed to Borough Hall or the Police Department.

– Chief Anthony Paparo

Cam Saw It! program application

Citizens Police Academy

Yeadon Police Department Accepting Applicants for Citizens Police Academy

Yeadon Police Department proudly presents a nine-week Citizens Police Academy beginning February 27, 2019 and ending with a graduation on April 18, 2019. Classes will be held at Yeadon Borough Hall, every Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. The academy is free, and class size is limited to 20 residents of Yeadon. Applications from outside jurisdictions will be accepted on an available seating basis.

The Yeadon Citizens Police Academy will create a challenging atmosphere, and provide residents/cadets with an inside look at what it takes to be a police officer. This program will create confidence, self-discipline, physical security and fitness awareness, and foster team-building mindsets, while bringing you into the world of policing. Instructors are police officers with a strong desire to open lines of communication with those we swear to protect and serve, to create positive police and public interactions, so that a deeper understanding of policing can serve to foster a stronger bond with citizens and their police officers.

Applications must be submitted by Monday, February 18, 2019 for consideration. Hard copies are available at Yeadon Police HQ. Once registered, you will be notified of your approval for the course, a week prior to the class start date.

To learn more, download the complete course program, terms, and application.


Chief Paparo Announces Plans for #MissionLockitUp Decals

Yeadon Police Chief Anthony Paparo has announced on Twitter that the department will soon be offering a reflective, weatherproof decal to place on car windows, front doors, and other locations to help remind residents to always lock their homes and vehicles. #MissionLockitUp is a reminder that the best way to prevent and deter thefts is to secure your property and keep valuables out of sight.

Chief Paparo discussed the program during a recent Fox29 news story. Watch below:

Follow Chief Paparo on Twitter.

Yeadon Police

1st Annual Youth Police Academy

Yeadon Police proudly announces its 1st Annual Youth Police Academy. The program will run (9) weeks, beginning September 19, 2018 ending with a graduation on November 14, 2018. Classes will be held at Yeadon Borough Hall, every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm unless otherwise noted in the schedule. The academy is free, and class size is limited to 12 students of the William Penn School District grades 9-12. The application can be found here.

National Night Out

National Night Out at Evans Elementary School – Tuesday, August 7

Yeadon Police Chief Anthony Paparo invites all residents to an evening of community building partnerships at the annual National Night Out taking place from 5 to 8 pm on Tuesday, August 7.

The evening takes place at Evans Elementary School (900 Baily Road) and will feature:

  • Child ID Kits
  • Giveaways
  • Police SWAT Trucks
  • Fire Trucks
  • Public Safety Tips
  • Meet your Mayor, Council, Police Officers, Firefighters and Neighbors!

For more information, see the Event Flyer (PDF)

Public Safety Announcement

Due to Wednesday’s impending storm, local public schools will be closed. Borough Hall will also be closed (for normal business as well as for all non-essential personnel).

Residents are advised if possible, to stay off the roads or to curtail travel in the interest of public safety. Snow Crews will be working throughout the storm to plow and salt streets, but an official emergency declaration will not be invoked – meaning cars may park on emergency streets, so long as they do not impede motor vehicle travel. Residents are advised that for emergencies, call 911.
For power outages, call PECO at 1-800-841-4141
For Emergency Management concerns, call 484-843-6872
Also please check the website for continuing updates.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we pull together to safely make it through this latest storm.

Mayor Hepkins