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Author: Nafis Nichols

Mayor Hepkins

Mayor’s Citizens Forum: Thursday, March 7

Quarterly Mayor’s Citizens Forum

Thursday, March 7, 2019
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Third Floor, Yeadon Borough Hall

All Yeadon Residents are welcome to attend.

Refreshments will be served.

Discuss your issues & concerns, offer suggestions, or just “Ask the Mayor”
Let your Voice be Heard!!!

• William Penn School District
• Camera Update
• Elevator Update
• Emergency Management Plan Update

Next Scheduled Forum: June 6, 2019

Event Flyer (PDF)

PECO Equipment Upgrades – Rundale and Yeadon Avenues

PECO is updating their equipment now through June of 2019 in the area of Rundale Avenue (between Yeadon Avenue and MacDade Boulevard) and Yeadon Avenue (between Guenther Avenue and Parmley Avenue) from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. This work was expected to begin in the summer, but PECO had to move up the date. Utility Line Services (a PECO contractor) will perform the work. For your safety please abide by the posted signs.

This work will be performed by Utility Line Services, a qualified PECO contractor. If you have any questions regarding this project and for scheduling purposes, please contact Joe Favarulo at 610-636-0174.

PECO has provided a letter to residents in the area with additional details, available for viewing here.

PECO logo

Borough Offices Closed Wednesday, Feb. 20

Due to the expected winter storm today, Yeadon Borough Municipal Offices will be closed.

The William Penn School District is also closed today, Wednesday, February 20th.

Residents with emergency or acute needs should call 911. Please report power outages to PECO at 800-841-4141.

Yeadon Library Volunteer

Library Volunteers Wanted

Volunteer Opportunities for Adults and Youths

Whether young or old, your gift of time and effort keeps Yeadon Public Library going. The Yeadon Public Library continues to provide library materials and services to meet the needs of Yeadon Borough residents. The library currently has a collection of approximately 50,000 cataloged items.

Learn more or apply as a volunteer today!

Septa Key Card

Seniors: Register for SEPTA Key Card at Borough Hall Feb. 28

Persons 65 years of age and older may register for SEPTA Key Cards on the 2nd floor of the Borough Hall from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on February 28, 2019. SEPTA Key cards give seniors the ability to ride all SEPTA Transit routes (bus, trolley, trackless trolley, and Market, Frankford, Broad Street, and Norristown High Speed Lines) for free. In addition, there is no fee to ride the Regional Rails in Pennsylvania.

In order to register, seniors must bring their SEPTA (yellow or blue) ID and another form of identification, such as a driver’s license or state ID.

Please contact the Borough with any questions you may have at 610-284-1606.

Cam Saw It

Own a Surveillance Camera? Register with the Police Department’s Cam Saw It! Program

Today, no matter where you go, what you do, at some point your activity is caught on camera. This video can at times provide law enforcement with crucial evidence, or help identify a potential suspect in a crime. Whether you own cameras for a business or residence, your voluntary participation with crime fighting can help make a difference when you provide video surveillance to law enforcement for investigative purposes. Yeadon’s Cam Saw It! (CSI) program is one more partnership with our community to help deter and solve crime. The CSI program is voluntary and your registration does not authorize Yeadon Police or any other law enforcement agency to enter your home or access your camera system without your expressed permission or knowledge.

To register your camera with the Yeadon Police Department’s Cam Saw It! Program, please download the complete application and terms and return when completed to Borough Hall or the Police Department.

– Chief Anthony Paparo

Cam Saw It! program application

Citizens Police Academy

Yeadon Police Department Accepting Applicants for Citizens Police Academy

Yeadon Police Department proudly presents a nine-week Citizens Police Academy beginning February 27, 2019 and ending with a graduation on April 18, 2019. Classes will be held at Yeadon Borough Hall, every Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. The academy is free, and class size is limited to 20 residents of Yeadon. Applications from outside jurisdictions will be accepted on an available seating basis.

The Yeadon Citizens Police Academy will create a challenging atmosphere, and provide residents/cadets with an inside look at what it takes to be a police officer. This program will create confidence, self-discipline, physical security and fitness awareness, and foster team-building mindsets, while bringing you into the world of policing. Instructors are police officers with a strong desire to open lines of communication with those we swear to protect and serve, to create positive police and public interactions, so that a deeper understanding of policing can serve to foster a stronger bond with citizens and their police officers.

Applications must be submitted by Monday, February 18, 2019 for consideration. Hard copies are available at Yeadon Police HQ. Once registered, you will be notified of your approval for the course, a week prior to the class start date.

To learn more, download the complete course program, terms, and application.

The Yeadon Challenge

Will You Take the Yeadon Challenge?

The Yeadon Challenge is simple. Think of something big or small that can help move Yeadon forward, then take the necessary steps and commit to completing whatever the challenge is.

One of the most notable challenges people have embarked upon is the ice bucket challenge. In July of 2014, this challenge made a nationwide impact. It involves dumping a bucket of ice over your head to raise awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and donations for research. This challenge was also completed internationally and viewed by millions on social media. Whether one participated or not, the message was received by many.

Here in Yeadon, we also have a message to share with the masses. Yeadon is not only an innovator, in that it is proud to be the Home of Flag Day thanks to the efforts of our own William T. Kerr, but it also strives to move forward and make our community a better place to work, visit, and most importantly, live. As we move forward into 2019, it is imperative that we come together as a borough. Moving forward means everyone working together; despite our differences in race, gender, religion, sexuality, viewpoints, political affiliations, or whatever differences exist, in order to better the Borough and move it forward in a positive direction.

In his “I Have a Dream Speech,” the late Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said. “We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.” This is the very essence of what moving Yeadon forward means. We must not forget how far we have come as a nation and how far we still have to go. In addition, we must stand and journey forward together on one accord.

We will not always agree or view things the same way. However, we can respect each other’s views and draw from each other’s talents and skills. How? One step at a time, borough by borough, until people all over the world know that Yeadon took the Yeadon Challenge of moving forward together as one and succeeded in doing so.

There is no Yeadon without you, the residents. As such, this challenge is open to anyone and any age. The Yeadon Challenge is simple, think of something big or small that can help move Yeadon forward, then take the necessary steps and commit to completing whatever the challenge is.

For example, one may strive to complete small daily challenges, such as helping a neighbor, picking up trash, reporting issues to the Borough, or remaining in compliance with the Borough’s ordinances. One may also strive to complete monthly challenges, such as posting a positive message on social media about Yeadon and/or Yeadon events; volunteering somewhere like Evans or Bell Elementary; or attending at least one Yeadon event per month, for instance, a meeting with a Yeadon organization or committee. One may further strive to complete a yearly challenge such as voting, running for office, or joining a Yeadon committee or organization. As you see, the challenges are limitless.

Will you take the Yeadon Challenge? If so, please use #YeadonChallenge and post your challenge on social media so everyone will know what challenge you have embarked upon and completed. You may also email us at and we will post the details of your challenges on our website for all to see and be inspired.


Make Me Proud. I know you can do it!

The Yeadon Challenge