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Author: Nafis Nichols


Chief Paparo Announces Plans for #MissionLockitUp Decals

Yeadon Police Chief Anthony Paparo has announced on Twitter that the department will soon be offering a reflective, weatherproof decal to place on car windows, front doors, and other locations to help remind residents to always lock their homes and vehicles. #MissionLockitUp is a reminder that the best way to prevent and deter thefts is to secure your property and keep valuables out of sight.

Chief Paparo discussed the program during a recent Fox29 news story. Watch below:

Follow Chief Paparo on Twitter.


Budget Workshops Announced

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a series of meetings to develop the borough’s 2019 budget. All meetings are open to the public and take place at Yeadon Borough Hall on the dates and times below:

Wednesday, September 5 – Budget Workshop: Introduction | 3:00 pm
Wednesday, October 10 – Budget Workshop: Administrative, Legislative, Tax Collection | 6:30 pm
Wednesday, October 17 – Budget Workshop: Public Works, Library | 6:30 pm
Wednesday, October 24 – Budget Workshop: Code Enforcement, Recreation | 3:00 pm
Wednesday, November 7 – Budget Workshop: Police, Emergency Management | 6:30 pm
Wednesday, November 14 – Budget Workshop: Sewer, Trash | 6:30 pm
Wednesday, November 21 – Council Meeting: Adopt Preliminary Budget | 7:00 pm
Wednesday, December 5 – Special Meeting: Preliminary Budget Consideration | 7:00 pm
Thursday, December 20 – Council Legislative Meeting: Adopt Final Budget | 7:00 pm

View all upcoming Borough Council meetings on the Meeting Calendar page.

Delaware County Holds Free Public Flu Shot Clinics

Delaware County Council and the County’s Department of Intercommunity Health want to make it as convenient as possible for people to get vaccinated. The County is offering two free, drive-through flu shot clinics this year. The drive-through makes it more convenient for our older residents, those with disabilities and also parents with small children.

This year’s flu shot clinics will be held from 10:00 to 2:00 pm on:

Friday, October 12: Middletown Fire Station (425 S. New Middletown Road, Media, PA 19063)
Friday, October 19: Tinicum Fire Station (99 Wanamaker Ave., Essington, PA, 19029)

The clinics are for Delaware County residents. Residents must be three years old or older to receive a flu shot. No registration is needed. For more information see the full county press release.


New Resources for Veterans Available; Ceremony and Brunch Nov. 10

The Borough of Yeadon is building a database of veterans living in the borough to help keep veterans informed of resources, networking, and special events. Please visit the our Veterans Resources page for more information and to add local veterans to the database.

In addition, the borough will honor all veterans on Saturday, November 10 by hosting a Veterans’ Day Ceremony and Brunch from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Yeadon Borough Banquet Hall.


Yeadon Public Library to Receive Upgrades from State Grant

The Yeadon Public Library has received a $61,770 grant from the state, according to a news release by State Rep. Margo Davidson, D-164. The grant, which will be used to install efficient windows, lighting, and HVAC systems and allow the restrooms to be made ADA compliant, was part of $6.8 million in Keystone Grants to improve physical facilities at 27 libraries throughout the state.

“I am thrilled that the Yeadon Public Library has received these necessary funds to make the library so much more comfortable for the citizens of Yeadon,” Davidson said in the release, “The library is a community hub for people of all ages and walks of life. It’s where toddlers get their first books and kids come to study when school isn’t in session. It’s where people from the town connect, take classes, as well as get critical information they need for school or life. I thank the Pennsylvania Department of Education for the award of this grant and its recognition of the important role that the library plays in the life of the people of Yeadon.”

Read the full release.

Yeadon Borough Logo

More than $400,000 in State Grants to Fund Sewer Project

Approximately 85 percent of an upcoming sewer project will be funded through state grants, as announced September 18 by State Rep. Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. In all, more than $1.2 million in grants were been awarded for various projects throughout the 191st Legislative District, which covers portions of Delaware and Philadelphia counties.

The Yeadon portion of the grants consists of $424,641 for the replacement of sewer mains along West Providence Road and Yeadon Avenue. The total cost of the project is $499,578, according to a news release by Rep. McClinton.

The grants – approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority – also include $250,000 for a dock expansion at Bartram’s Garden public park, $200,000 to help renovate the McCreesh Recreation Center, and $358,011 for sewer line rehabilitation in Darby.

“Aging infrastructure can lead to major consequences, so it’s crucial to address these issues as quickly as possible,” McClinton said. “I am proud to support these efforts in any way that I can.”

Read the full release.

Ozone Alert issued for Wednesday, Sept. 5

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and its regional air quality partnerships have forecast a Code Orange Air Quality Action Day for ozone on Wednesday, September 5, 2018, for the southeast region of Pennsylvania.

Young children, the elderly and those with respiratory problems, such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis, are especially vulnerable to the effects of air pollution and should limit outdoor activities.

An orange level represents unhealthy pollution levels for sensitive people.

To help keep the air healthy, residents and business are encouraged to voluntarily restrict certain pollution-producing activities by:

• Refueling cars and trucks after dusk

• Setting air conditioner thermostats to a higher temperature

• Carpooling or using public transportation; and

• Combining errands to reduce trips.

For more information see the full DEP news release:

National Suicide Prevention Week: Sept. 9 – Sept. 15

The week of September 9-15, 2018 is recognized as National Suicide Prevention Week, with Monday, September 10 marking World Suicide Prevention Day. According to a recent CDC report (2018), suicide rates have increased across all age groups over the past two decades in almost every state, including Pennsylvania. As such, we need to work together to recognize the role each of us play in suicide prevention. It is our collective responsibility to address the stigma about suicide and help-seeking. We must educate about the warning signs and how to offer support to those that may be struggling. For our youth in particular, we must recognize that as caring adults, we can be one of the most significant protective factors. Yet, we must also model self-care and healthy coping during stressful times.

In Crisis? Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Please see the resources below if you or someone you know is struggling with issues that may put them at risk of suicide:

Prevent Suicide PA

Jana Marie Foundation

Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention in PA Schools and Colleges Initiative

Pennsylvania Network for Student Assistance Services