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Free Rain Barrel Workshop at Yeadon Borough Hall – Wednesday, May 14

Presented by the Pennsylvania Resources Council and the Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collective

Receive a free rain barrel and learn to manage storm water on your property!

Rain Barrels limited to 25 for this workshop; one per household

  • SAVE MONEY by watering your garden with RAIN WATER!
  • Conserve water & value resources

Rain Barrels:

  • Reduce Water Pollution
  • Reduce Local Flooding
  • Provide Free Garden Water
  • Save you Money

Attendees will learn about the problems associated with stormwater runoff, ways to conserve water in their homes, and watershed friendly landscaping techniques. The workshop will also cover the basics of how to install and maintain a rain barrel.

Pre-Registration Required. Use link below or call 610-353-1555 x2


Wednesday, May 14 – 6:30 pm

Online Registration is Preferred

Financial and other support provided by the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Environmental Education Grants Program

Watershed & Rain Barrel Workshop

Native Plants webinar

Transform Your Yard: Grass Removal, Pollinators, & Native Plants – Free Webinar on Wednesday, April 24

Regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function in your own yard!

This webinar – presented by the Darby Creek Valley Association (DCVA) and Lower Merion Conservancy – will describe the reasons and ways to make small yet meaningful changes as well as resources for making bigger changes and opportunities to receive free native plant plugs through local organizations and volunteer work.

Presenters include Michelle Detwiler from Wild About Native Plants and Jamie Anderson from Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collaborative. A member of the Coopertown Beautification Crew, who has done this in their own yard, will discuss how they started their grassroots neighboRhood initiative. Inspired by Homegrown National Park.

FREE Zoom Webinar:
Transform Your Yard: Grass Removal, Pollinators, and Native Plants

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 – 7:00 PM


Pollinator webinar flyer

Free Composting Workshop

Register Now for Free Composting Workshop on May 14

Are you unsure of what to do with your kitchen, garden, and yard scraps? Would you like natural, homemade compost for your lawn and garden?

Expand your waste reduction efforts by signing up for this free Backyard Composting class – and turn your organic waste into a valuable resource for your garden.

Learn the benefits and process of composting, plus everything you need to know about setting up and maintaining a compost bin to turn kitchen scraps, yard waste, and more into natural, home-made compost.

Registrants will also receive a FREE 82-gal compost bin (one bin per housheold).

This workshop is free, but registration is required.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
6:00-7:30 PM

Yeadon Borough
600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050

Learn More and Register

Rain Garden Workshop

Free Rain Garden Workshop – Saturday, March 2

FREE Rain Garden Workshop

Saturday, March 2, 2024

9 AM to Noon

Haverford Community Recreation & Environmental Center
, 9000 Parkview Drive, Haverford, PA 19041

Register Here

This Rain Garden Workshop will teach you the basics of stormwater and steps you can take on your property to reduced stormwater pollution. The workshop will detail how to design and build and maintain a Rain Garden yourself. Instruction on rain garden maintenance and trouble shooting issues will also be presented. Presented by Darby Creek Valley Association, Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collaborative and Hav-a-Rain Garden who have designed and built more than 80 rain gardens in the region at parks, libraries and private properties.

Free, Advance Registration Encouraged at



Residents of Yeadon are eligible for a FREE Stream Smart Stormwater House Call,

to assist homeowners in assessing their properties for ways to better manage stormwater. These management practices can help improve water quality and reduce downstream flooding.

Residents can visit: for additional information and to apply for an assessment.


Rain Barrel Workshop


Receive a free rain barrel and learn to manage stormwater on your property!

Attendees will learn about the problems associated with stormwater runoff, ways to conserve water in their homes, and watershed friendly landscaping techniques. The workshop will also cover the basics of how to install and maintain a rain barrel.

Spring 2022 flyer

Delaware County Seeking Public Input to Help Develop Next Steps in the County’s “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” Efforts

Delaware County is seeking members of the public for an Advisory Committee as part of its process to update its Municipal Waste Management Plan.

Members of the Advisory Committee on the Municipal Waste Plan will work with the national consulting team of Zero Waste Associates and County staff to identify ways to significantly reduce, reuse, repair, compost, and recycle its discards over the next ten years.

Municipal Waste Plan Public Feedback


Residents of Yeadon are eligible for a FREE Stream Smart Stormwater House Call,

to assist homeowners in assessing their properties for ways to better manage stormwater. These management practices can help improve water quality and reduce downstream flooding.

Residents can visit: for additional information and to apply for an assessment.