Yeadon Borough Council will hold a legislative meeting at 7:00 PM on Thursday, January 16, 2025.
The meeting takes place in the Borough Hall auditorium. The public is invited to attend and participate either in person or online via Zoom using the information below.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Meeting ID: 833 4419 2997
Passcode: 281951
Or One tap mobile:
+13052241968,,83344192997#,,,,*281951# US
+13092053325,,83344192997#,,,,*281951# US
January 16, 2024
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Citizens’ Forum (Agenda Items Only – comments limited to 3 minutes)
4. Minutes
a. Consideration to approve the December 12, 2024, Caucus Meeting Minutes.
b. Consideration to approve the December 19, 2024, Legislative Meeting Minutes.
5. Mayor’s Report
6. President’s Report
7. Manager’s Report
a. Consideration to adopt Ordinance number 2024-015: Lead Inspections Established.
b. Consideration to approve Resolution number 2025-041 the intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Delaware County Redevelopment Authority’s Land Bank.
c. Consideration for the hiring of Elisa Wiah as a Full-time Library Youth Services Director at a starting rate of $33,000 pending the successful completion of a background check.
d. Consideration for the hiring of Tris-Ann Valentine as a Part-time Library Assistant at a starting rate of $13.50/hour pending the successful completion of a background check.
8. Solicitor’s Report
9. Tax Collector’s Report
10. Engineer’s Report
11. Reports
A. Finance
1. Consideration of the Accounts Payable List for January 2025.
2. Consideration of the December 2024 Cash Balance Report.
B. Ordinances & Zoning
C. Public Works
D. Public Safety
i. Police Department’s Report
ii. Emergency Management’s Report
iii. Fire Department’s Report
E. Planning Commission
1. Consideration of appointing William Mellix to the Planning Commission.
2. Consideration to approve the adjustment of lot lines at 101 A Lincoln Avenue.
F. Recreation
12. Adjournment