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Author: Nafis Nichols

Pet Pantry

Drive-Thru Pet Food Pantries for Families in Need

The Brandywine Valley SPCA (BVSPCA) has teamed up with Terra Technical Services to hold two drive-thru pet food pantries to help families in need. Free pet food will be distributed as follows:

Wednesday, April 22nd
10:30am – 12:30pm
Coatesville Area Senior High School
1445 Lincoln Hwy E, Coatesville, PA

Thursday, April 23rd
10:30am – 12:30pm
Chester Township Municipal Building
1150 Engle Street, Chester, PA

The pantry’s drive-thru format requires participants to arrive in a vehicle, where they remain while BVSPCA staff requests, from a 6-foot distance, information on the household pets then loads the pet food in the trunk or hatchback. Food will be available for cats and dogs while supplies last. Food storage and transport has been generously provided by Terra, along with collaboration on pantry logistics.

The pantries are part of the BVSPCA’s ongoing commitment to help prevent families from needing to surrender their beloved pets to a shelter for economic reasons. The Brandywine Valley SPCA has distributed more than six tons of pet food to families in need and sent four truckloads of pet food to other shelters for their pantries since the start of the pandemic. The BVSPCA has expanded its standard pet food pantry to be accessible anytime during shelter open hours: Tuesday-Friday 12pm-6pm, Saturday-Sunday 11am-5pm.

Donations to help the BVSPCA continue to supply pet food to families in need can be made at:

meeting notice

Borough Council to Hold Online Meeting via Teleconference Thursday, April 16

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a Special Meeting via teleconference on Thursday, April 16. The public is invited to join using the Zoom online platform.

Topic: Special Meeting – Yeadon Borough Council
Time: Apr 16, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 724 6989 8612

See detailed instructions on how to take part in this meeting.

Voting in PA

New Dates for the 2020 Primary Election

Dates and deadlines for the 2020 Primary Election

May 18: Last day to register to vote before the primary election.

May 26: Deadline to sign up for an absentee or mail-in ballot. Your county election office must receive your application before 5 p.m.

June 2: Election Day

  • 7:00 a.m: Polls open.
  • 8:00 p.m: Polls close.
  • 8:00 p.m: Deadline for your county election office to receive your voted absentee or mail-in ballot.

For more information, please visit the Commonwealth’s Voting in Pennsylvania page.

Find your polling place

chromebook qpsd

William Penn School District Chromebook Distribution Schedule

Distribution of Chromebooks will take place this Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14 and April 15. This is for families who indicated they will need a technology device in the home for students to participate in the online learning plan at home. Attached is the schedule for distribution. Please note the pick-up locations have been determined by the borough in which you live. If someone at your child’s school was unable to contact you and you need a technology device for your child/teen for online learning, contact the principal by email or by leaving a message on the school voicemail.

If you have any questions about the Chromebook distribution, contact your child’s principal by email or by leaving a message on the school voicemail.

click to enlarge

Easter Bunny Visits Yeadon Saturday, April 11

With the assistance of the Fire Department, the Easter Bunny will make his way through Yeadon beginning at 10:00 am on Saturday, April 11th with an important message. We are looking to have this event be fun, informational, and safe for all. Thus, we are asking everyone to remain inside and wave to him as he passes by.


Grocery Shopping Services Available to Senior Citizens

During the COVID-19 pandemic, The County of Delaware Services for the Aging (COSA) and Community Transit are partnering to offer seniors an alternative to in-person grocery shopping. Community Transit drivers are available to get grocery lists and payment from seniors and shop and deliver their items. Seniors can stay safely in their homes. The cost of the shopping and delivery will be subsidized by COSA. To contact Community Transit for this service, call 215-900-2519 or email

covid-19 q@a

Yeadon Borough COVID-19 Q&As

The Borough of Yeadon is publishing a set of questions and answers regarding the COVID-19 pandemic for residents. This piece will be mailed to all households in the borough in the coming week. View the document as a PDF, or read the contents in its entirety below.

Is the borough open for business? If not, how do I reach someone for service?
Due to the current proclamation and in practicing Social Distancing, the borough is closed for normal business. Only essential personnel remain working.  If you need service or report an issue that is borough-related, please call 610-284-3110 between the hours of 9:00 am to 4:30 pm or leave a message.  You can also email us at

Are Yeadon Police, Fire, Code and Highway Departments still operating? Is service reduced?
During the State of Emergency, both the Yeadon Police & Fire Departments will operate with the same staffing and service levels as they did before. Just as before, should you encounter an emergency where you would normally call 911. To pay a parking ticket, you can mail a check to the police department at the borough, or place in yellow ticket box located in rear of police station.  All parking ordinances are still in effect – except no parking this side of street by day of week – that has temporarily been suspended;  Also, the amnesty program for tickets has been extended thru the end of April.  You can still address outstanding tickets via this method. The police department can still answer questions during business hours at 610-623-1500. The Code and Highway Department is still operating. However, some of the normal services provided has been affected by the state of emergency.

Does the State of Emergency disrupt the trash, recycling and street sweeping schedule?
No. Both the trash and recycling schedules remain the same.  The street sweeping will operate on an “as needed basis.” However, cars can be parked on those streets for the duration of the emergency, in order to comply with the stay at home order. Therefore, tickets for this are temporarily suspended until we go back to normal at the conclusion of the stay at home order.

How does it interrupt my tax schedule?
Borough, County and School Taxes are due by December 31, 2020. This has not changed. However, the discount period for borough taxes has been extended to April 30. All payments submitted by that time, are eligible for discount. Keep in mind that the Federal & State Tax Filing deadline date has been extended from April 15 to July 15, 2020.

What is open and what is closed in Yeadon Borough?
All schools are closed. All businesses are closed. The exceptions are convenience stores such as 7-Eleven, Tri-Star, Wawa, banks, and food establishments that do pick up only. For food, please call ahead, avoid loitering and please practice social distancing.

For what reason can I leave my home? How many people can meet at a time?
You can leave your home to go to work if you are deemed “Essential Personnel” by your place of employment or are a first responder (Police, Fire, EMS, Healthcare Provider, etc.). Otherwise, you can leave for: groceries, gas, obtain food, exercise, to care for a loved one, elderly or disabled in rendering aid. Social Distancing (keeping at least 6 feet of space between persons) should be practiced at all times.

As a senior, how can I get someone to assist me with food, medicine or other emergency items?
Please contact:
Christine Helmandollar
Friendship Circle Senior Center
1515 Lansdowne Ave, Darby, PA 19023

If you are not a senior citizen, and need access to a food cupboard, please contact:
Neighbor to Neighbor CDC
814 Clifton Ave, Sharon Hill, PA 19079
Community Action Agency of Delaware County: (610) 874-8451

What do I do if I am sick or suspected of contracting the virus?
Do not go to the hospital emergency room! The only exception is if you have a medical emergency such as a suspected heart attack, appendectomy, stroke, broken bones, etc. Rather, if you suspect you may have the virus (or come in contact with those who have), contact your medical provider/personal physician and they will provide instructions on what to do. In the wake of the virus, we are practicing telemedicine. As such, your medical provider will walk you through what to do next based upon your symptoms.

When will schools be back open? 
And how can I get updates on school lunches or other ongoing school programs?
The William Penn School District remains closed for the foreseeable school season. For updates on lunches, schedule or other school related matters, please visit the WPSD website at:

Is the 2020 U.S. Census affected by the coronavirus?
No the Census is governed by federal law. Taking the census online is the fastest and easiest way. Census can be taken by logging on to Every resident is encouraged to do so, and to also encourage our neighbors, friends and relatives to do the same. It has a direct correlation to our quality of life in allocation for the next ten years. It is important. The current emergency doesn’t change this requirement.

What is the Primary Election date in Pennsylvania?
Tuesday, June 2nd is the new date.
Please vote! Find your polling place at

Can the State of Emergency get more stringent? How long will this last and how do these orders work?
Yes, the State of Emergency under the President, Governors and Mayors can last as long as each executive branch mandates, which is based upon the scientific projections on how to keep residents safe depending on the particular curve of what’s happening in their particular State or municipality. Current estimates call for maintaining the status quo until at least the end of APRIL. However, it may last longer than this depending on whether the epidemic has been brought under control or not.

What is the best way to receive updates?
The best way to receive current updates on the ongoing pandemic is to visit our borough website at

How can I help in this crisis?
By adhering to all the rules you’ve heard concerning COVID-19. Practice Social Distancing; Stay Home if you don’t have to go out. Wash your hands several times a day with soap for at least 20 seconds. Sanitize often used surfaces such as doorknobs, handles, and everything you may touch. Encouraging others to practice THE SAME. And please keep an eye out for the elderly, disabled or those in your community with pre-existing conditions. Ask how you can help them…and keep them informed by taking their number or contact and advising and checking in on them occasionally.