Author: Nafis Nichols
Fire Officials Sworn Into Office
Newly appointed Fire Department President Luigi Lazzaro and Fire Chief Daniel Haggerty were sworn in by Mayor Hepkins at the January 16th Borough Council Legislative Meeting.
Mayor Hepkins to Host Quarterly Citizens Forum
Quarterly Mayor’s Citizens Forum
Thursday, March 5, 2020
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Second Floor, Yeadon Borough Hall
All Yeadon Residents are welcome to attend.
Refreshments will be served.
Discuss your issues & concerns, offer suggestions, or just “Ask the Mayor”
Let your Voice be Heard!!!
Residents Wanted to Serve on Yeadon Boards and Committees
The Borough of Yeadon is currently accepting resumes of residents interested in serving on a number of boards and committees.
Boards/commissions with vacancies are listed below. Letters of interest and resumes should be sent to the Borough Manager via mail or email. Thank you.
Library Board
Zoning Board
Historical Commission
Civil Service Commission
Vacancy Board
Community Relations Committee
Recreation Committee
Code Committee
Public Works Committee
Finance Committee
Public Safety Committee
Library Board
A Library Board member is appointed by Council in three year terms. There are a total of nine people on the Board and their terms expire in different years. The Board meets on the fourth Thursday of each month. The Board is responsible for presenting a financial report to Council by November 1 of each year. The Board also gives free library service to the residents and taxpayers.
Zoning Board
A Zoning Board member is appointed by Council for a five year term, one member’s term should expire each year. There are a total of five people on the Board and up to no more than three alternates. Alternates serve for three year terms. The Board meets as needed and is responsible has exclusive jurisdiction to hear and render final adjudication on matters; such as, code officer enforcement appeals on permits, the administration of a floodplain or flood hazard, applications for variances, etc.
Download Zoning Board Member Application (PDF)
The Yeadon Borough Historical Commission
A Yeadon Borough Historical Commission member is appointed by Council for a five year term. There are a total of seven people on the Commission.
The membership shall be as follows:
- Members shall be persons with knowledge or an interest in the preservation of the Yeadon Borough’s historic, and the propagation of the history of the Yeadon Borough and the surrounding area.
- One member shall be a registered architect.
- One member shall be a licensed real estate broker.
- One member shall be the Yeadon Borough Building Inspector.
- Four members shall be persons with knowledge or an interest in the preservation of Yeadon Borough’s historic resources.
- Resumes evidencing the qualifications of the members shall be filed with the Borough Secretary.
- In the event a registered architect and/or a licensed real estate broker who is also a resident of Yeadon Borough cannot be appointed to serve or is unwilling to serve on the Commission, Borough Council may appoint a registered architect and/or licensed real estate broker who is not a resident of the Borough but who otherwise meets the qualifications to serve on the Commission. In the event a Borough resident who is a registered architect and/or licensed real estate broker desires to serve on the Commission, that individual(s) shall be given preference over non-Borough residents applying for the same position.
The Historical Commission shall have all powers and duties conferred and imposed by the laws of the commonwealth upon such commissions, including but not limited to the following:
- To conduct a survey of buildings for the purpose of determining those of historical and/or architectural significance and pertinent facts about them; and to maintain and periodically revise the detailed listings of historic sites and buildings and data about them, appropriately classified with respect to national, state or local significance, and to period or field of interest, including cultural characteristics of the Borough of the life of an individual significant in the past and associated with the Borough.
- To propose, as deemed appropriate, the establishment of historical districts located in Yeadon Borough.
- To formulate recommendations concerning the establishment of an appropriate system of markers for selected historic and/or architectural sites and buildings, including proposals for the installation and care of such historic markers.
- To formulate recommendations concerning the preparation and publication of maps, brochures and descriptive material about the history of Yeadon Borough and/or its historic and architectural sites.
- To cooperate with and to advise the Yeadon Borough, Borough Planning Commission and any other agencies or boards in matters involving historically and/or architecturally significant sites and buildings.
- To cooperate with and enlist assistance from the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and other agencies, both public and/or private, from time to time concerned with historic sites and buildings located within the Borough.
- To advise owners of historical buildings on problems of preservation.
- To promote public interest in the purpose of this article by carrying on a public relations program.
Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission makes an annual report containing a brief summary of its work during the year and a full accounting for expenditures of public monies, which is available for public inspection. The Commission also reviewsapplication submissions for the Police Department.
The Vacancy Board
The Vacancy Board assists the Borough in seeking candidates for vacancies on the Boards, Commissions, and elected positions at the Borough.
Community Relations Committee
A Community Relations Committee member is appointed as needed to assist with special events, such as Flag Day.
A Recreation Board member is appointed by Council in five year terms, at least one member’s term expires annually. There are a total of seven members on the Board. The Board submits a proposed budget annual to Council for approval for the ensuing year, setting forth all proposed expenditures and programs. The Board also coordinates and develops athletic, cultural, and recreational activities for the Borough.
The Code Committee meets every first Tuesday of the month. Residents are welcome to become members who work with the Council Chair and Code Director to address any Code related issues and concerns.
Public Works
The Public Works Committee meets every first Tuesday of the month. Residents are welcome to become members who work with the Council Chair and Superintendent of Public Works to address any Public Works related issues and concerns.
The Finance Committee meets on a monthly basis to discuss and address the financial matters of the Borough.
Public Safety
The Public Safety Committee meets the last Saturday of the month to discuss and address any public safety concerns within the Borough.
For additional details, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Yeadon Codified Ordinances or contact the Borough at 610-284-1606.
January 9th Caucus Meeting Canceled
There will be no Borough Council caucus meeting on Thursday, January 9, 2020.
Participants Wanted for Second Annual Citizens Police Academy
Yeadon Police Department proudly presents the Second Annual Citizens Police Academy beginning March 4, 2020 and ending with a graduation on April 16, 2020. Classes will be held at Yeadon Borough Hall, every Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. The academy is free, and class size is limited to 20 residents of Yeadon. Applications from outside jurisdictions will be accepted on an available seating basis.
The Yeadon Citizens Police Academy will create a challenging atmosphere, and provide residents/cadets with an inside look at what it takes to be a police officer. This program will create confidence, self-discipline, physical security and fitness awareness, and foster team-building mindsets, while bringing you into the world of policing. Instructors are police officers with a strong desire to open lines of communication with those we swear to protect and serve, to create positive police and public interactions, so that a deeper understanding of policing can serve to foster a stronger bond with citizens and their police officers.
Applications must be submitted by Monday, February 18, 2019 for consideration. Hard copies are available at Yeadon Police HQ. Once registered, you will be notified of your approval for the course, a week prior to the class start date.
To learn more, download the complete course program, terms, and application.
Applications may be submitted via emailto or drop off your application in person to Yeadon Borough Police Headquarters.
Questions about the program? Please contact Chief Paparo at 610-623-7611.
Deadline for applications is Monday, February 24, 2020
County Seeks Participants for Public Health Focus Group and Online Survey
The Delaware County Council and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health are conducting a brief 10-15 minute online survey to assess how Delaware County residents (ages 18 and older) perceive the County to be addressing local public health-related needs.
Click Here for Survey:
Survey closes January 31, 2020
Need language assistance or have questions? Contact us at
Prefer to complete a hardcopy version of the survey instead?
Paper copies are available in select locations throughout the county. Call 410-502-8952 to learn more.
Upcoming Focus Groups
County Council is also holding two focus group sessions seeking input on how residents believe existing programs and policies are meeting their health-related needs. Participants must be county residents 18 years of age or older.
Available Dates:
January 13 at 10:00 am in Folsom
January 16 at noon in Upper Darby
Light refreshments will be served.
Space is limited: Pre-registration required.
Contact 410-502-8952 or to register today.
Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Training for Ages 18-24
The District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund is actively recruiting 18-to-24-year-old participants for the Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship-to-Apprenticeship Program. The pre-apprenticeship is a 12-week training program that leads to an opportunity to join the behavioral health apprenticeship, which consists of a full-time job and college courses resulting in 24 credits from Jefferson University. The pre-apprenticeship program will begin mid-February, 2020.
For more information and to register for an upcoming test and information session, please visit https://1199ctraining/dsp
Agency testing times:
Friday, January 10th: 12pm
Tuesday, January 14th: 12pm
Information session and tests:
Friday, January 17th: 9am
Wednesday, January 22nd: 9am
Eligibility Criteria:
· 18 to 24 years old
· Required high school diploma or GED
· Able to pass CASAS assessment test and drug screening
· Able to commit to at least 30 hours of training per week beginning Fall 2019
· Driver’s license or ability to obtain driver’s license – driver’s education training will be provided!
· Past personal experience with mental health, recovery or working with individuals with disabilities a plus
Habitat for Humanity Program Provides Low-Cost Repairs to Homeowners in Need
Habitat for Humanity MontDelco’s Critical Home Repair (CHR) program provides low-cost repairs to residents of Montgomery and Delaware Counties. The focus is on issues concerning safety, security, and access to the home, with priority to individuals who are elderly, disabled and/or Veterans with low income. Typical repairs include roofs, heaters, porches, electrical, plumbing, grab bars and wheelchair ramps. Through this program, Habitat MontDelco aims to stabilize communities, address Montgomery and Delaware Counties’ aging housing stock, and prevent low-income homeowners from being displaced.
To learn more visit or view the flyer linked below.