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Yeadon Borough

Reminder: Proper Maintenance of Sidewalks, Driveways, and Exterior Areas

Yeadon Borough Code

Ordinance Reminder: Sidewalks and Driveways

The maintenance and use of common and shared driveways is often overlooked, below is a reminder of the requirements of property owners.

Ordinance 220-16,C: Exterior Property Areas
Sidewalks and Driveways

The property owner shall keep all sidewalks, walkways, stairs, driveways, parking spaces and similar areas in their legal control, in a proper state of repair, and maintained free from hazardous conditions…

Read the full ordinance in the Yeadon online codebook

Free Rain Barrel Workshop at Yeadon Borough Hall – Wednesday, May 14

Presented by the Pennsylvania Resources Council and the Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collective

Receive a free rain barrel and learn to manage storm water on your property!

Rain Barrels limited to 25 for this workshop; one per household

  • SAVE MONEY by watering your garden with RAIN WATER!
  • Conserve water & value resources

Rain Barrels:

  • Reduce Water Pollution
  • Reduce Local Flooding
  • Provide Free Garden Water
  • Save you Money

Attendees will learn about the problems associated with stormwater runoff, ways to conserve water in their homes, and watershed friendly landscaping techniques. The workshop will also cover the basics of how to install and maintain a rain barrel.

Pre-Registration Required. Use link below or call 610-353-1555 x2


Wednesday, May 14 – 6:30 pm

Online Registration is Preferred

Financial and other support provided by the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Environmental Education Grants Program

Watershed & Rain Barrel Workshop

Mayor's Citizens Forum

Mayor Hepkins Hosts Quarterly Citizens Forum on Thursday, February 27

Video Archive: Mayor’s Citizens Forum – February 27, 2025

Yeadon Borough Mayor Rohan Hepkins invites residents to participate in this in-person forum at Yeadon Borough Hall.

Participation will also available virtually via Zoom at the link below:

Topics and guest speakers will include officials covering these topics:

  • Yeadon Fire Department: Safety Tips, Carbon Monoxide Basics, and Insights on Recruitment
  • William Penn School District: Plans for Building Upgrades in the District
  • Three New Yeadon Police Officers: Swearing-in Ceremony
  • General Q&A: Just Ask the Mayor!

Thursday, February 27, 2025 • 7:00 PM

Yeadon Borough Hall
Second Floor Auditorium
600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050


Mayor’s Citizens Forum Zoom Information

Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android:


Phone one-tap:
+13017158592,,87214738182# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,87214738182# US

Join via audio:
+1 301 715 8592 US

Mayors Forum Feb. 27




Primary election

CORRECTION: May Primary Election Date in 2025 Borough Calendar

***The Pennsylvania Primary Election will take place on May 20, 2025***

Dear Yeadon Residents,

Please be advised that the 2025 Yeadon Borough Calendar mailed to all residents several weeks ago contains an error regarding the 2025 Primary Election date. The mailed calendar incorrectly states the date of the Primary Election as May 13; the election actually  takes place one week later on Tuesday, May 20th.

We apologize for the oversight.

For up-to-date election data please follow the Delaware County Bureau of Elections calendar at



Working America

Working America to Conduct Door-to-Door Canvassing in Yeadon

Residents of Yeadon,

Please be advised that Working America, a community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, will be conducting a door-to-door organizing drive in the Borough starting on February 25, 2025, and continuing through at least March 2025.

Working America is a not-for-profit labor organization focused on advocacy for issues affecting working families, such as fair wages, healthcare, and job security. Their trained canvassers will be going door-to-door to educate residents and sign up new members. Canvassers can be identified by their official identification badges and red safety vests displaying the Working America name.

The canvassing will take place in the late afternoon and evening, between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., as these are the hours when most residents are home. Courts have affirmed the right of canvassers to operate during these hours, regardless of local curfews (Ohio Citizen Action v. City of Englewood, City of Watseka v. Illinois Public Action Council, New Jersey Citizen Action v. Edison Township).

The Yeadon Police Department has been informed of Working America’s activities to ensure awareness and public safety.

Snow and Ice

Extreme Winter Weather Conditions – An Update from Yeadon Public Works Department

In response to the recent snowstorm, the Yeadon Borough Public Works Department has been working tirelessly to ensure the safety and accessibility of our streets.

Over the course of the storm, five employees worked a combined total of 18 hours of overtime to clear snow and treat our roadways. We used over 49 tons of salt to help melt the snow and prevent ice buildup.

However, with the extreme temperatures we’ve experienced in the Northeast corridor, we are seeing an ongoing challenge. As the sun melts the snow during the day, the temperatures drop sharply at night, causing water to refreeze and creating icy conditions on the roads. This is a common issue in our region and is affecting not only Yeadon, but surrounding communities as well.

We want to assure you that we are continuing to monitor the situation closely. Our team remains ready to respond as necessary to keep our streets safe. Please drive cautiously and stay tuned for further updates.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Public Works Department
Yeadon Borough

Martin Luther King Jr.

Borough Offices Closed in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yeadon Borough Offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.


“The universal appeal of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was his burning desire to unite people. That flame of unity continues to inspire Yeadon to be a place where all people can live, love, learn and grow.”

– Mayor Rohan Hepkins