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Yeadon Borough Hall

Residents Wanted to Serve on Yeadon Zoning Board

The Borough of Yeadon is currently accepting applications of residents interested in serving on the Zoning Board.

All applications are due by 12/13. Candidates may either (1) explain why they should be selected for the position at the Caucus Meeting on 12/16 at 7:00 p.m., which will be held via Zoom, or (2) submit a written statement to the Borough Manager by 4:30 p.m. on 12/13, which will be presented to Council at the Caucus Meeting. Please be advised that presentations are limited to three minutes.
Zoning Board

A Zoning Board member is appointed by Council for a five year term, one member’s term should expire each year. There are a total of five people on the Board and up to no more than three alternates. Alternates serve for three year terms. The Board meets as needed and is responsible has exclusive jurisdiction to hear and render final adjudication on matters; such as, code officer enforcement appeals on permits, the administration of a floodplain or flood hazard, applications for variances, etc.

Download Zoning Board Member Application (PDF)

Letters of interest, resumes, and applications should be sent to the Borough Manager via mail or email. Thank you.

Isaac Dotson, Interim Borough Manager
Yeadon Borough
600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050

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Yeadon Borough is seeking a dynamic individual to serve on the Civil Service Commission. 

Yeadon Borough is seeking a dynamic individual to serve on the Civil Service Commission.
The commission presides over the examination and hiring process for Yeadon’s police force. It is comprised of three members, all of whom are appointed by Yeadon Borough Council. Commission meetings are conducted on an as-needed basis.
All members of the commission are required to live in Yeadon. Resumes and letters of intent from interested parties should be sent to Crystal Sapp, Borough Manager Assistant, at

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a special meeting on October 13, 2022.

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a Special Meeting on October 13, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held to address Council business and any other necessary business of the Borough.

The meeting takes place in Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Yeadon Borough Hall, 600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050.

The public is invited to participate by attending. The meeting will be video recorded and uploaded to the Borough’s website.

Click here to view meeting agenda.

Yeadon Borough Council President Congratulates Police Chief David Splain

Yeadon Borough Council President Sharon Council-Harris issued a statement congratulating Nether Providence Police Chief David Splain on being selected to lead the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association. Chief Splain devoted 25 of his 37 years in law enforcement to the Yeadon Borough Police Department, the first Police Department to hire the chief as a full-time police officer.

Read Full Splain Statement