The suspension of service is due to repairs/maintenance of equipment.
Delaware County Seeking Public Input to Help Develop Next Steps in the County’s “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” Efforts
Delaware County is seeking members of the public for an Advisory Committee as part of its process to update its Municipal Waste Management Plan.
Members of the Advisory Committee on the Municipal Waste Plan will work with the national consulting team of Zero Waste Associates and County staff to identify ways to significantly reduce, reuse, repair, compost, and recycle its discards over the next ten years.
Aqua Work Notice:
Starting the week of January 31,2022 Aqua Pennsylvania will begin the replacement of 2,608 feet of aging 6 and 8-inch water mains with new 6 and 8-inch ductile iron water mains on Arbor Road, Pleasant Road and Laurel Road between Darnell Avenue and Parmley Avenue, Parmley Avenue between Church lane and Pleasant Road. Please refer to the letter from Aqua Pennsylvania that was sent out to residents in the area for further information.
Street Sweeping will be suspended until further notice as we await vehicle repairs.
Please continue to move vehicles on your streets assigned day as Public works will be dispatched daily to pick up any litter/debris forming at the curb line.
Delaware County Announces 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Dates
Delaware County 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events
This Program is offered as a community service to the residents of Delaware County and is not open to businesses, institutions or industry.
On the Event dates listed below, Only Household Hazardous Waste will be accepted. Electronic Waste and Latex Paint will NOT be accepted.
Registration required for all events, Register at:
Saturday, April 23:
Emergency Services Training Center, 1600 Calcon Hook Rd., Sharon Hill (Darby Twp.) 19079
Saturday, June 11:
Rose Tree Park, 1671 N. Providence Road, Media, PA 19063
Saturday, Sept 10:
Emergency Services Training Center, 1600 Calcon Hook Rd., Sharon Hill (Darby Twp.) 19079
Saturday, Oct., 15:
Upper Chichester Township Municipal Bdg, 8500 Furey Road., Upper Chichester, PA 19061
See a list of acceptable and unacceptable items.
Sponsored by:
County of Delaware
Delaware County Solid Waste Authority
Covanta Delaware Valley, L.P.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
All events by appointment only – Registration required
For additional information contact Delaware County Solid Waste Authority at 610-892-9627
County Releases Cold Weather Plan for 2021-2022 Season
Cold and windy weather have hit our region.
Delaware County’s Cold Weather Plan – put in place each year to assist the elderly, vulnerable and homeless during extreme weather conditions – provides resources offered through various agencies and networks including the Delaware County Division of Adult and Family Services, the Office of Services for the Aging (COSA), the Department of Intercommunity Health, and Community Action Agency of Delaware County. Resources such as shelter, food, and information on low-income energy assistance programs such as LIHEAP, and PECO’s energy assistance programs are also available.
View the 2021-2022 Cold Weather Plan
Code Officer Position Available
A code enforcement officer is responsible for evaluating private properties and public grounds against local codes, responding to citizen reports, answering citizen questions about the codes, issuing citations for code violations, performing field inspections, and evaluating new construction or renovation projects. Some code enforcement officers are certified police or peace officers. Certified or not, code enforcement officers work to maintain an attractive, safe community, which helps improve both property values and the quality of life of those in the community.
Job duties for code enforcement officers; include but are not limited to, the following:
1. All issues reported on any property in the Borough;
2. Any grass, trash, snow or complaint that is reported;
3. Any wintertime snow issue, such as sidewalks that are not cleared of snow with 24 hours after a snowfall ends;
4. Any issues on any private property or business property; and
5. Any abandoned vehicle on private property, which means any vehicle without legal tags or up-to-date inspections, as well as any vehicle with flat tires, damaged windshields, and containing any damage that results in the vehicle being unroadworthy.
This is a full-time position with benefits. Applications are available online or in person at Yeadon Borough, 600 Church Lane Yeadon, PA 19050. Yeadon Borough is always accepting applications.
Take the Delaware County Broadband Internet Access Survey
This quick survey is designed to collect data about the availability of internet service for residential and business addresses in Delaware County
The County has created a survey to identify residential and commercial locations that don’t have access to broadband internet or that have limited access in order to identify places where broadband infrastructure does not exist or places that do not meet the minimum speed suggested by the FCC for appropriate service.
Click here to take the survey online
All residents and business owners are urged to take the survey. More responses will lead to more accurate data to help the County bridge the digital divide.
A technical note regarding the survey: We ask that respondents do not take the survey using cellular data. You can complete the survey on your phone, but only if connected to your residential or workplace internet Wi-Fi.
Those without internet access at home can visit any Delaware County library, municipal building, State Senator’s office, or State Representative’s office to connect to Wi-Fi to complete the survey.
To download and print a paper copy of the survey, click here.
The survey is expected to be available through January 14, 2022.
Yeadon Borough Offices and Public Library Closed Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th
In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, Yeadon Borough Hall and Yeadon Public Library will be closed on Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th
On behalf of all of us at Yeadon Borough, we wish all of you a Safe, Healthy & Happy Thanksgiving!