Reminder: New Year’s Day Trash Collection Moved Ahead to Thursday, 12/31
Due to the New Years’ holiday on Friday, January 1, trash collection scheduled for that day will be collected a day early on Thursday, December 31.
Due to the New Years’ holiday on Friday, January 1, trash collection scheduled for that day will be collected a day early on Thursday, December 31.
Due to the inclement weather, trash collection for Thursday (12/17) will be collected on Friday (12/18). If your trash is not collected, please notify the Borough immediately. Also, please leave your trash out so it can be collected the next day. Please make sure you have cleared the common driveways/alleys so the trash collector is able to pass through them.
Due to the Christmas holiday next week, trash collection for Friday (12/25) will be collected on Thursday.
Due to the New Years’ holiday on Friday 1/1/20, trash collection for that day will be collected on Thursday, 12/31.
Due to the current weather conditions, the Borough of Yeadon offices will open at 10:30 a.m. today, Thursday, December 17th.
Yeadon Borough’s Public Works phone lines are experiencing a temporary outage due to upgrades that Verizon is performing on the department’s lines. The outage is expected to last through Friday, December 11th.
If you need assistance during this time, please contact the Borough’s main line at (610) 284-1606.
Our trash collector, B&L Disposal, has informed the borough that if you or a family member are receiving cancer treatment, you should separate any trash containing bodily fluids of any kind from the rest of the household trash and hold it outdoors for several days before putting it out for pickup. Failure to comply may result in trash collection delays or fines.
Please be advised that Yeadon Borough’s trash pickup schedule may be impacted due to the temporary closure of the Delaware County Waste Authority Transfer Station #3 in Marple Township due to COVID-19. As we receive further information, additional notice(s) will be posted. We appreciate your patience. Please feel free to contact the borough with any questions or concerns.
The E-Waste Collection will be held on every last Friday of the month at the Public Works Garage located at 1115 Baily Road, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Due to the Borough being closed on the holidays for the months of November and December, the event will be rescheduled to November 20 and December 18.
Permissible items:
• Air conditioners
• Bikes
• Care parts
• Dehumidifiers
• Dishwashers
• Clothes dryer
• Freezers
• Grills
• Metal filing cabinets
• Microwave ovens
• Refrigerators
• Stoves
• Metal swing sets
• Water heaters
• Washing machines
• Trash compactors
• Flat screen TVs
• Computers
• Lap tops
• Anything metal but televisions
Street Sweeping will resume its regular schedule starting September 14, 2020. Vehicles are prohibited to park on the street where the “No Parking on This Side of the Street” signs are posted between the hours indicated. Please be advised that violators will be ticketed. See the Borough Code Article X: Street Cleaning for more information.
Due to a fire in the borough, not all trash collection was picked up on Wednesday, September 9. If your trash was not picked up, please leave cans out and they will be picked up on Thursday, September 10.
Please be advised that trash pickup for Tuesday, September 8 was not completed. B&L will be around on Wednesday, September 9 to pick up the trash and the recycling.
Please leave your trash from Tuesday out and have your recycling out as well, and they will be around to collect the cans throughout the day.
Please be advised that due to the pandemic, the holiday, a continued increase in trash, issues at the dumps, and various other reasons, there have been delays and backups throughout the municipalities regarding trash pickup. Please bear with us as we work on a solution to these issues.