William Penn School District Update: Transition to Hybrid for Special Education
The following Motion was approved by the William Penn School District Board of School Directors at the Board Education Meeting on October 7, 2020:
The Superintendent recommends the following action item in order to transition from virtual instruction to hybrid, effective November 16, 2020.
a. Students with low incidence disabilities return to school on an AA/BB model beginning Monday, November 16, 2020.
b. All other students’ in-person return will continue to be reviewed based upon Chester County Health Department’s COVID-19 data, readiness of classrooms with technology to support the hybrid model, and teacher availability.
c. Athletic participation will be reassessed and a determination made to resume beginning in November 2020.
There are approximately 130 students with low incidence disabilities who will be returning to school in person. The students attend Aldan, Ardmore Avenue, and Evans Elementary Schools, Penn Wood Middle School, and Penn Wood High School. These families have already been notified and able to meet with District staff.
Family Resource Center page: We have a Family Resource Page on our website that is filled with information useful to families. Our website is www.WilliamPennSD.org. This is a direct link to the Family Resource Center. There is also a Community Info link on the page, so feel free to share your event fliers and notices with me for posting.
Wednesday Word with Dr. Eric J. Becoats: Every Wednesday, Dr. Becoats records a short message for families with information and reminders for the week. The Wednesday Word can be accessed on our District website, Facebook page, Instagram page, and YouTube account.
District Website: As a general resource, the District website is a place to find many items constituents may be looking for, such as Board Meeting notices, agendas, minutes, and recordings, information about the Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion Program, Community Resource Guide and more.