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Author: Nafis Nichols

Borough Hall

Roof Replacement at Borough Hall to Impact Parking, Entrances

Please be advised the Borough Hall building is under construction for roof replacement. The expected date for completion for the project will be approximately two weeks. Please use caution as there are heavy operating equipment and possible debris falling from the roof. Parking may be limited. Please use the Borough parking lot behind the old Yeadon movie theater and Quality Gas or the Lukoil parking lot across the street. Also, entrances may be temporarily closed for everyone’s safety.

If you need further direction on ways to enter the building or parking please call the Borough at 610-284-1606.

Spotted Lanternfly

Have You Seen a Spotted Lanternfly?

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has created an online Spotted Lanternfly Reporting Tool to help authorites control the population of this invasive pest. The online tool allows the public to report sightings, log the information, and notify the appropriate State or Federal agency for a response.

Have you see a spotted lanternfly? (visual identifier)

Report it today!

The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive insect that has spread throughout Pennsylvania since its discovery in Berks County in 2014. The Spotted Lanternfly feeds on the plant sap of many different plants including grapevines, maples, black walnut, and other important plants in PA. If you see SLF, help us stop it in its tracks! To report a sighting, use this reporting tool or call 1-888-422-3359.


Borough Offices Closed until Monday, July 27


Effective immediately, Yeadon Borough Hall, Yeadon Public Works Garage, and Yeadon Public Library are closed to the public and will reopen on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 8:30 am.

We ask for the community’s patience as we work to resolve this unforeseen emergency situation. Thank you.

William Penn School District

William Penn School District Resources on Reopening Schools

On July 20, the William Penn School District’s Board Meeting of the Committee of the Whole featured a presentation by Superintendent Dr. Eric Becoats on plans for reopening schools in September 2020.

Dr. Becoats’ presentations, recordings of Community Forums, as well as information and guidance from the Chester County Health Department, CDC, PA Health Department, American Association of Pediatrics, and other experts are all available the district website’s Reopening Schools 2020 page. There is also a list of Frequently Asked Questions and local day care centers that may be able to provide support to families.

Reopening Schools 2020: William Penn School District

Read More

Clay Payne

Clay Payne Named Executive Director of Yeadon Public Library

As of July 6th, 2020, Clay Payne has taken the helm as the Director of the Yeadon Public Library. Mr. Payne earned a B.A. in History and Journalism from Louisiana State University and a Master of Library and Information Science from Clark Atlanta University. He worked in a variety of positions with the East Baton Rouge Parish Public Library, the DeKalb County (Georgia) Public Library, the District of Columbia Public Library, and the Atlanta-Fulton County Library System. Mr. Payne is excited to join both the Borough and the Yeadon Public Library and looks forward to serving the community. We are excited to have him and ask that you please join us in welcoming him to the Borough.

Visit the Yeadon Library website.

Excessive Heat

Excessive Heat Watch through Tuesday, July 21

An Excessive Heat Watch has been issued for our area beginning today and ending Tuesday, July 21 at 6 pm. Oppressive humidity will begin today before the excessive heat arrives Sunday afternoon. Temperatures are forecasted to be in the 90s through Wednesday, but will feel like 100 degrees or higher.

Seniors, young children, or anyone with heart and lung conditions are advised to limit exposure outdoors. Please take the time to identify and check in on any at-risk or elderly loved ones and neighbors.

As we experience the heat wave over the next few days, Council reminds residents of the County’s Heat Plan which includes tips and resources the County offers to help vulnerable residents, particularly the elderly, stay safe during the summer season.

Details can be found here.

Free Food Event

Free Food Distribution Event Wednesday July 29 in Municipal Parking Lot

Health Partners Foundation Presents Fresh Food for Families Free Food Distribution Event

This food giveaway will give away 10,000 pounds of fresh groceries and produce. Stay safe in your car and practice social distancing — we will bring the food to you.

Municipal Lot (next to former Citizens Bank)
735 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050

Wednesday, July 29, 2020
3-5 p.m.
Partnering organizations:

  • Health Partners Foundation
  • Share Food Program
  • Representative Joanna McClinton
  • Yeadon Mayor Rohan Hepkins

Health Partners Foundation

COVID testing

Delaware County Offering COVID-19 Testing in Yeadon July 21, 22, and 23

Delaware County will be offering drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing for residents on July 21, 22 and 23 in Yeadon.

Residents over the age of 18 will be eligible to be tested, especially those at higher risk including residents over the age of 65 and those with pre-existing health conditions. Critical and essential workforce are considered a priority for getting testing. These individuals include first responders, healthcare system employees, grocery stores, pharmacies and other essential workers.

Testing will be conducted by trained medical staff utilizing a nasal swab (PCR) test kit. Testing is free of charge for residents without health insurance. There is no out of pocket fee or co-pay for residents with private or public health insurance. Please bring your insurance card to the testing site. Upon arrival, patients will need to complete a registration form and a consent form. Test results will take up to 5-7 business days. Residents will receive their results by mail. Residents who test positive will also receive a call from the Chester County Health Department.

Residents are asked to wear a mask/face covering.

Mercy Fitzgerald/Saint Bernard’s Hall/Friendship Circle Senior Center Parking Lot
600 S. Wycombe Ave, Yeadon PA 19050

July 21: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
July 22: 12:00 PM – 5:30 PM
July 23: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

If possible, please call 610-891-6129 to pre-register; walk-up testing will also be available. 

Additional COVID-19 public testing sites in Delaware County are being added and announced. More information on COVID-19 testing, symptoms, and resources can be found here.

July Covid testing in Yeadon

Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted Lanternfly Virtual Town Hall – Wednesday, July 15

The Spotted Lanternfly Virtual Town Hall live webinar, led by Penn State Extension Master Gardener Sam Barnett, will catch us up on the most recent research and teach us what we can do in our own yards to combat the Spotted Lanternfly. State Representative Jennifer O’Mara is partnering with the Master Gardeners of Delaware County to help residents learn what works and what doesn’t.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM ET

Any concerned Pennsylvania citizen wanting to learn more about how to combat the Spotted Lanternfly