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Author: Nafis Nichols


Food Resources During COVID-19

Beginning Monday, March 30, residents can pick up a box of food on Mondays and Thursdays between 10 AM and noon at sites throughout the city. One box will be given per household. The boxes will have a five-day supply of food to make meals.
The following sites will offer food from 10 AM to noon:

People’s Emergency Center
3750 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Upper Room Baptist Church
7236 Ogontz Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19138

Opportunity, Inc.
5900 Lansdowne Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19151

Christ Church South Philly
229 Moore St.
Philadelphia, PA 19148

Mitchell Elementary School
5500 Kingsessing Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19143

Resurgence Church1738
West Atlantic St.
Philadelphia, PA 19140

West Kensington Ministry
2140 N Hancock St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Dare 2 Imagine Church
6610 Anderson St.
Philadelphia, PA 19119

Shekinah SDA 531 Chew Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19120

Association of Former Gang Members
1631 W Susquehanna Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19121

Keep the Faith Ministries
1906 Harrison St.
Philadelphia, PA 19124

Parkside Association
1719 N. 52nd St.
Philadelphia, PA 19131

Richard and Friends
1916 E Venango St.
Philadelphia, PA 19134

Triumph Baptist Church
1648 W Hunting Park Ave.

Giving Heart Ministries
6506 Elmwood Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19142

1711 S Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19148

Overbrook West Neighbors
Philadelphia, PA OWN
5925 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19151

Iglesia Cristiana Avivamiento
5500 Tabor Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19120

Mizpah SDA
4355 Paul St.
Philadelphia, PA 19124

Christian Compassion CDC
6100 Cedar Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19143

No ID or proof of income is required.

meeting notice

Borough Council to Hold Online Meeting via Teleconference Wednesday, April 1

Yeadon Borough Council will hold a Special Meeting via teleconference on Wednesday, April 1. The public is invited to join using the Zoom online platform.

Topic: Special Meeting – Follow Up on Proclamation and Other Issues
Time: Apr 1, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 100 037 626

See detailed instructions on how to take part in this meeting.

Small Business Administration

SBA Holds Live Webinars on Loan Program

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Eastern Pennsylvania District Office and the Chester/Delaware Counties SCORE Chapter are holding live webinar training on the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program for small businesses and private non-profits due to COVID-19.

The webinar will provide answers and help residents understand:

  • Who is eligible for an SBA Disaster (EIDL) loan
  • What you need to have in hand before filing your application
  • Q&A time devoted to answer your specific questions

Webinars are being held daily through April 3 from noon to 1:30 pm.

Log in information:

Please call the SBA District Office at 610-382-3062 with any questions about the training.

Volunteers Needed to Support Alternative Care Site

Up to 700 volunteers are needed to support an Alternative Care Site at the Glen Mills School in Delaware County. The site, currently being set up by members of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, National Guard and the Delaware County Department of Emergency Services will serve as a medical facility specifically for patients who have not tested positive for COVID-19, but are being treated for low-acuity conditions at regional hospitals, in the event that a hospital is full treating COVID-19 patients.

There is an urgent need for volunteers including:

  • Active and retired medical and healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and veterinarians
  • Medical and nursing students
  • Behavioral Health professionals
  • Support, Administrative and Logistic Staff
  • Citizen Corps of Delaware County

If interested, please register online at

Watch a video of Delaware County Council Chair Brian Zidek, and Emergency Services Director Tim Boyce announcing that the Glen Mills School will serve as a Federal Emergency Medical Station for the region.

Volunteers for Glen Mills facility

PA Primary Election Moved to June 2

Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 422, which reschedules the 2020 primary election from April 28 to June 2.

The last day to register to vote in the 2020 Primary is now May 18, 2020.

All voter registration forms must be received by the Voter Registration Office by 4:30 p.m. on May 18, 2020 and online (with a signature) by 11:59 p.m. May 18, 2020.

Registered voters do not need to file new applications despite the change in primary date.

For more information, please see the Delaware County Bureau of Elections’ Frequently Asked Questions about the June 2, 2020 Primary.

Telephone Town Hall

Telephone Town Hall with Senator Williams Tuesday, March 31

Senator Anthony H. Williams will host a Telephone Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, March 31 at 6:30 p.m. The topic is COVID-19/Coronavirus.

Participants will be able to ask questions as well as listen to a discussion about important issues in the district and around the state.

To listen live on your phone, computer or tablet:

More information is available at Senator Williams’ website.

To sign up from your phone, text SENAHWILLIAMS to 833-898-5483.

Covid Resources

Coronavirus Updates & Resources

Borough Resources Call Center Testing Centers Vaccinations Governor’s Office Delaware County

A Message from Mayor Hepkins and Yeadon Borough Council (April 18, 2020)

Mayor’s Proclamation

Governor Wolf’s COVID-19 Disaster Declaration
Mayor Hepkins’ Emergency Proclamation Letter

Borough Resources

Governor Wolf issued a phased reopening plan. On June 26th at 12:01 a.m., Delaware County entered the green phase. The Borough of Yeadon reopened during the yellow phase and will continue to follow the safety measures and guidelines.

Some of the notable changes under the green phase are as follows:

  • Large gatherings of more than 250 people are prohibited;
  • Construction activity may return to full capacity with continued implementation of protocols;
  • Businesses with in-person operations must follow updated Business and Building Safety Requirements, which can be found at;
  • All businesses operating at 50% occupancy in the yellow phase may increase to 75% occupancy;
  • Masks are required when entering a business;
  • Restaurants and bars open at 50% occupancy;
  • Personal care services (including hair salons and barbershops) open at 50% occupancy and by appointment only;
  • Indoor recreation, health and wellness facilities, and personal care services (such as gyms and spas) open at 50% occupancy with appointments strongly encouraged;
  • All entertainment (such as casinos, theaters, and shopping malls) open at 50% occupancy;
  • Childcare may open complying with guidance;
  • Schools subject to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Commonwealth guidance; and
  • Continued telework is strongly encouraged.

These safety precautions have been enacted to prevent a COVID-19 outbreak and will be adjusted as necessary.

Anyone coming into the Borough will have to wear and mask and maintain six feet of space from others. Remember to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, to cover your mouth with a tissue or your clothing when you sneeze and/or cough, or do so into your elbow. Also, stay at home if you have symptoms of the virus.

DO NOT enter the Borough if you are having coronavirus symptoms, such as a fever, cough, sneeze, loss of taste, etc., or if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive or suspected to be positive.

Residents are encouraged to mail in tax payments, fines, etc. If you need to pay tickets, citations, and/or taxes you may mail them to the Borough at 600 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050, or put them in the mailbox located outside by the lobby doors. If you encounter any emergency, please call 911.

Trash and recycling pickup will follow the regular schedule. Street sweeping will be performed as needed. Vehicles will not be ticketed during this time.

The Yeadon Public Library (YPL) will offer curbside pickups the week of June 8th. YPL will also offer free grab and go meals (breakfast and lunch) every Tuesday beginning June 9th through August 11th.

Lunches for school age children are available from 11 am-1 pm, Monday through Thursday, until further notice, at Evans Elementary School, 900 Baily Road.

Borough Hall rentals are suspended until further notice. The playground, basketball courts, and exercise equipment at the Yeadon Community Park will be open and signage displaying the guidelines will be posted. Please follow these important safety measures.

Sign Up for Emergency Notifications

Residents are encouraged to register for the DelcoAlert notification system which alerts residents of updates and emergencies. You can register here: Sign Up for Delco Alerts
Delco Alert Emergency Notification System signup

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

One-Day Clinic in Darby March 31
COVID-19 Vaccination Scheduling Line (267) 449-1496
Yeadon Residents: Schedule Phase 1A Appointments on 3/27
When requested, the Borough will assist the County with scheduling the COVID-19 vaccinations. Please refer to the Borough resources, such as the cable channel, website, and social media pages for notice as to when the vaccinations are being scheduled. When the notice is given to do so, please call the vaccination scheduling line at (267) 449-1496. Please be advised that the Borough’s scheduling of the vaccinations is temporary and may be limited to specific groups/categories.
Delaware County: Please see COVID-19 Vaccine Information from Delaware County Intercommunity Health Coordination.
List of all vaccine providers | Delaware County, PA

Pennsylvania: Please see COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution on the Pennsylvania Department of Health website for vaccine provider locations and information about the phases of vaccine distribution.
COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution | PA Department of Health

Delaware County COVID-19 Call Center

Call 484-476-2100 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday for assistance with COVID-19 related questions including vaccines and testing. Email:


Wearing Face Masks: Information on wearing face masks when leaving your home
See also: COVID-19 Face Mask Guidance (Chester County Health Department)
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread (Delaware County)

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends frequent handwashing for at least 20 seconds. When using hand sanitizer make sure it contains at least 60% alcohol. Also, avoid touching your face especially with unwashed hands.

Centers for Disease Control Resources

Coronavirus COVID-19
How to Protect Yourself
Symptoms & Testing
Frequently Asked Questions

Stimulus Checks – Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance is compensation for self-employed, independent contractors, gig workers, and others not eligible for regular unemployment compensation.


Reopening Schools: William Penn School Board Meeting Wednesday, August 5
William Penn School District: Reopening Schools 2020


Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Assistance available through the Delco CARES Program to qualified renters and homeowners in Delaware County who have been financially impacted by the press release, (9/1/2020)
Rent and mortgage assistance programs administered by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
Applications available June 29 at; submissions can begin July 6

Pennsylvania Department of Health Resources

Business guidances for Sanitation and Social Distancing (April 5)
Coronavirus FAQs
PAcast Virtual Press Conference
Responding to COVID-19 Guide

Testing Sites

Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing Clinic in Darby – Last Day March 31 (click for details)
U.S. Army Reserve Center, 500 W. 24th Street, Upland, PA 19015: Drive-Thru Testing through April 30 – Every Tuesday through Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM (click for details)
Find COVID-19 testing sites in Delaware County
Hours and availability may vary. Please check with individual testing providers first for pre-registration requirements and details.
Center for Family Health at Eastside, 125 9th St., Chester, PA 19013Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 am – 11:30 am, by appointment only. Call 610-471-0279 to schedule.
Sayre Health Center – Sayre High School, 59th & Locust St. Philadelphia, PA 19139
Springfield CVS – 795 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA 19064

Governor’s Office

Effective April 4, More Options for Restaurants and Other Businesses, Mass Gathering Maximums Increase (March 15, 2021)
Gov. Wolf and COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force Announce Plan to Vaccinate Teachers, Other School Staff (March 3, 2021)
Gov. Wolf Revises Mitigation Order on Gatherings and Lifts Out-of-State Travel Restrictions (March 1, 2021)
Pennsylvania Allows Pharmacies To Administer COVID-19 Vaccine (January 14, 2021)
Restaurant Indoor Dining Capacity May Increase Jan. 4 to 25 Percent, or 50 Percent if Self-Certified (January 4, 2021)
Wolf Administration Reminds Pennsylvanians of Importance of Contact Tracing, Advises of Possible Scams (August 12, 2020)
Wolf Administration Provides Recommendation for School and Recreational Youth Sports (August 6, 2020)
Wolf Administration Provides Updated Guidance to Safely Reopen Pennsylvania’s Schools (July 16, 2020)
Wolf Administration: Hazard Pay Grants Now Available for Front-Line Workers in Life-Sustaining Industries (July 16, 2020)
Wolf Administration Announces Targeted Mitigation Efforts in Response to Recent COVID Case Increases (July 15, 2020)
Gov. Wolf Announces Protections from Foreclosures and Evictions Through Aug. 31 (July 9, 2020)
Wolf Administration Releases Updated FAQs for Summer Recreation, Camps and Pools (July 9, 2020)
Gov. Wolf: Sec. of Health Signs Expanded Mask-Wearing Order (July 1, 2020)
Wolf Administration Outlines Preliminary Guidance for Phased Reopening of Schools (June 3, 2020)
PennDOT Extends Expiration Dates on Driver Licenses, ID Cards, and Learner’s Permits (May 27, 2020)
Governor Wolf Announces Real Estate Industry May Conduct Limited Business Transactions Statewide (May 19, 2020)
Gov. Wolf, Sec. of Health Take Actions on Stay-at-Home Orders, Issue Yellow Phase Orders (May 8, 2020)
Protections from Foreclosures and Evictions Through July 10 (May 7, 2020)
Governor Wolf Extends Statewide Shutdown through May 8 (April 20, 2020)
Support and Referral Helpline for Pennsylvanians in Need of Behavioral Health Resources and Referrals During COVID-19 Public Health Crisis (April 3, 2020)
Governor Wolf Calls for Universal Masking (April 3, 2020)
List of Non-Life Sustaining Businesses
Issued ‘Stay at Home’ Order (March 23, 2020)
Pennsylvania Extends Personal Income Tax Return Filing Deadline to July 15, 2020 (March 21, 2020)
Close All Non-Life Sustaining Businesses (March 19, 2020)
Close Non-Essential Business (March 16, 2020)
Statewide Mitigation Efforts (March 16, 2020)
Close Dine-In Services (March 15, 2020)
Mitigation Guidance (March 13, 2020)
PA School Closures (March 13, 2020)
COVID-19 Disaster Declaration (March 6, 2020)

Delaware County

Statement regarding possible Delaware County Mass Vaccination Site 
at Delaware County Community College (4/1/2021)
Delaware County Launches Homebound COVID-19 Vaccination Program (3/24/2021)
COVID-19 Vaccination Update (3/12/2021)
Delaware County Partners with AMI Expeditionary Healthcare to Host Long-Term COVID-19 Testing Site in Upland (3/8/2021)
COVID-19 Vaccination Update (3/8/2021)
COVID-19 Vaccination Update (2/25/2021)
COVID-19 Vaccination Update (2/10/2021)
Update Regarding Second Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine (2/9/2021)
Delaware County Vaccination Update (1/28/2021)
Delaware County Vaccination Update (1/20/2021)
Vaccination Update from Chester County Health Department (1/14/2021)
Delco Strong: Rapid Response Grant Available to Assist Local Businesses Directly Affected by Recent Mitigation Efforts (12/18/2020)
County Council Presents a Community Resources Online Presentation Thursday, Dec. 17 (12/16/2020)
Holiday Guidance Issued During the COVID-19 Pandemic (11/18/2020)
Round #3 of Delco Strong Grants Available to Assist Local Businesses and Non-Profits during the COVID-19 Pandemic (11/3/2020)
Applications for Delco CARES Housing Assistance Program Available September 1 (9/1/2020)
Delaware County Announces COVID-19 Public Testing Site in Upper Darby (7/31/2020)
Bringing Back Delco Webinar for Childcare Facility Owners – August 4, 6:00 PM (7/30/2020)
Delco Businesses Urged to Report Price Gouging and may be Eligible for Restitution
Delaware County Announces COVID-19 Public Testing Site in Sharon Hill (7/22/2020)
Deadline Extended for Round 2 of Delco Strong Grants (7/10/2020)
County Council to Resume In-Person Meetings Beginning July 14 (7/10/2020)
Round #2 of Delco Strong Grants Available to Local Businesses and Non-Profits (7/1/2020)
Going Green and What it Means (6/26/20)
Governor Wolf Announces Delaware County Will Move to Green Phase June 26 (6/19/20)
Council Approves CARES Funds to Assist Businesses and Non-Profits with Economic Loss (6/17/2020)
PA $225M Main Street Small Business Grant
Progress Toward Green: Updated data measuring Delaware County’s progress toward entering the Green Phase (6/16/2020)
Delaware County Libraries Offer Contactless Pickup (6/12/2020)
Delaware County Council Votes to Expand Funding to Delco Strong (6/5/2020)
Find COVID-19 testing sites in Delaware County
Delaware County Launches Bringing Back Delco Task Force (5/30/20)
Update on the June 2 Primary Election in Delaware County (5/21/20)
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Recovery Funding Accepting Applications (5/21/20)
County Council Chairman Brian Zidek Gives Update COVID-19 (5/20/20)
Delaware County Council Announces the Creation of a COVID-19 Memorial (5/20/20)
Video: Delaware County Council Press Conference (5/14/20)
An Update on COVID-19 Testing in Delaware County (5/12/20)
Human Services Launches Emergency Assistance Program to Help Low-Income Families Amidst COVID-19 (5/8/20)
Community Invited to Create Cards and Signs for Long-Term Care Facilities (5/1/20)
Testing guidance for people without a healthcare provider (4/27/20)
Delaware County Launches Delco Strong Small Business Support Program
Video message from Delaware County Council (4/19/20)
Delaware County COVID-19 Prevention, Resources, and FAQs
Community Resources during COVID-19 crisis
The following information can be found on Chester County’s website in an effort to help Delaware County mitigate the spread of the COVID-19.
Call for information and guidance at 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258).
Grocery Shopping Services Available to Senior Citizens
Delaware County Data & Maps
Report Potential Exposure
Delco Alert (Emergency Notification System)
Things to Do at Home
Life Sustaining Businesses FAQ & Waiver Application
Food Assistance Locator
Delaware County Interfaith Food Assistance Network (DIFAN): Facebook | Temporary COVID-19 hours and locations
Diaper Bank – Catholic Social Services Chester City
CityTeam Chester Emergency Assistance Programs (updated hours and closures 3/16/2020)

Foreign Language Coronavirus/Covid-19 Resources from Chester County Health Department:
Spanish | Arabic | Vietnamese | Urdu | Bengali

How to Support a Loved One Who Has Been Impacted by COVID-19 – Mental Health First Aid USA blog

Telehealth Helpline for Early Learning Professionals in Delaware County: 855-464-9342, press 3

Spiritual Care Help Line number is 717-303-3538. Trained volunteers will provide a listening ear and a calming spirit to those who call.

The Delaware County COVID-19 Telehealth Helpline is 24/7 Clinical and Certified Peer Specialist Support beginning Tuesday April 21 at 12pm:
855-464-9342- press 1 for a Mental Health Clinician, press 2 for a Certified Peer Specialist

Delaware County Crisis Connections Team is a 24/7 Mobile Mental Health Assessment in the home or community- 855-889-7827

Delaware County Child Care Providers are open for Essential Personnel.

Delaware County Ombudsman are available to resolve complaints and issues on behalf of individuals residing in long-term care settings, such as nursing homes, assisted living facilities and personal care homes- Available Monday- Friday 8:30am-4:30pm- 610-872-1868.

County contracted MH Facilities concerns or complaints can call 610-713-2365

County contracted OIDD Facilities concerns or complaints can call 610-713-2400

Magellan Health Services contracted facilities concerns or complaints can call 1-888-207-2911

Donations and Volunteering

Residents or organizations who would like to donate handmade facial masks, as well as other protective supplies, medical supplies, equipment, and in-kind donations, can call 1-800-253-3102 or email:

Donations will be distributed by the Delaware County Emergency Services Department.

Delaware County Council on Twitter | Facebook

Resources and Questions

There are two local numbers for residents to call for COVID-19 related resources and questions. Residents can call the Chester County Health Department Hotline at 610-344-6225. They have staff on-site from 8:30 am-4:30 pm, seven days a week answering questions. They have also partnered with the Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline, which is staffed 24/7. Residents can call 1-800-722-7112.


Office of Unemployment Compensation: Information for workers impacted by COVID-19

U.S. Small Business Administration

Disaster Assistance

Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development

COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program (CWCA)

Primary Election

May 26 Update on the June 2 Primary Election in Delaware County
Details and deadlines for the June 2, 2020 Primary Election
Register to vote by May 18, 2020
Sign up for an absentee or mail-in ballot by May 26, 2020


Virtual Field Trips
Scholastic – Join Zoom Meeting
Learn at Home
Libby, by Overdrive Library App
Xfinity Opens Free WIFI during COVID-19 Emergency
Philly Zoo at 2 (Facebook Live Series)

Read More