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Borough News


PECO Reminds Homeowners to Call 811 Before Digging

Saturday, August 11 (8/11) is National Call Before You Dig Day – a natural reminder for all customers and contractors to call 811 to have utility-owned underground lines marked before digging. Nationwide, every six minutes someone damages an underground utility line because of digging without first calling 811, according to the Common Ground Alliance, the national association that promotes the 811 phone number and safe digging practices.

Striking an underground electric or natural gas line can cause serious injury, damages and service interruptions. Every digging project, no matter how large or small, warrants a call to 811. Installing a mailbox, building a deck, planting a tree and laying a patio are all examples of digging projects where a call to 811 should be one of the first steps. Customers and contractors also are required to call 811 before clearing blocked sewer lines to determine if any utility lines are nearby as well.

PECO has more than 9,000 circuit miles of underground electric lines, 13,000 miles of natural gas distribution and service lines, and another 9 miles of natural gas transmission lines buried throughout southeastern Pennsylvania. In addition to PECO’s lines, there are underground communications cables, water and sewer lines, and other utilities. Even properties that are not served by a particular service may still have utility lines running below ground.

When calling 811, customers and contractors are connected to PA One Call, the state’s coordinator for utility line marking. PA One Call will collect information about the project and provide it to PECO and other member utilities. The utilities will then mark their underground facilities. Calls are required at least three business days in advance of digging.

Once lines are located, customers and contractors doing work also must understand the markings and look for evidence of unmarked lines, such as water and sewer lines on private property. Sewer clean-outs and water valve covers are examples of equipment that can indicate the presence of underground lines.

For more information, visit

Center For Resolutions

Volunteers Wanted for Center for Resolutions Youth Aid Panel

Center for Resolutions is a non-profit organization that creates alternative programs for first-time juvenile offenders in order to clear their juvenile records.

Youth Aid Panel – The community can participate in problem solving for youth offenders in their neighborhood.

The Panel – Volunteers are chosen for their interest in helping the youth and usually meet once a month depending on the case load. Panel members will also receive training in the Delaware County juvenile justice system and other various techniques to help the youths.

Visit the Center for Resolutions Volunteer Info Page to learn how you can help.

The Offenders – First-time juvenile offenders will be offered to join the program at the discretion of the juvenile officer or designated police officers. The youth offenders will be seen by the panel after being charged with a first-time summary or misdemeanor offenses.

The Goal – To prevent the youth from becoming a habitual offender, understand the cause of their action and resolution for the victim, and completion of panel-imposed obligations.

Benefits – Offers police departments another alternative when dealing with a first-time offender, save tax payers money, less costly for parents and youths, provides positive change, cases heard at a timely manner, connects youth with the community, fewer repeat offenders, and successful completion of the program allows the youth to avoid a formal juvenile record.

For more information visit

Tree removal

Tree Removal to Limit Parking at Borough Hall August 13

Please be advised that Yeadon Public Works will be removing two dead trees at the end of the Borough Hall parking lot early morning on Tuesday, August 13. The photo shows the exact location where the trees are being removed. For everyone’s safety, there will be no parking wherever cones are placed that day. We thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter.


Rescheduled Trash Collection for Some Residents

Due to equipment problems, trash collection on the following blocks did not take place on Tuesday, July 30:

• 1000 block of Guenther Avenue
• 1000 block of Whitby Avenue
• 700 block of Fern Street

Collection on these three blocks has been rescheduled for the following day, Wednesday, July 31.

Yeadon Police

Yeadon Police Host Second Annual Youth Police Academy

Yeadon Police proudly announces its Second Annual Youth Police Academy. The program will run eight weeks, beginning October 2, 2019 ending with a graduation during the borough council meeting on Thursday, November 21, 2019.

Youth Police Academy Classes will be held at Yeadon Borough Hall, every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm unless otherwise noted in the schedule. The academy is free, and class size is limited to 12 high school (grades 9-12) students residing in the William Penn School District. The application can be found here.


Update on PECO July 23 Storm Restoration 1000 Hours

Thunderstorm Talking Points

July 23, 2019
1000 hours


Situation Overview

A thunderstorm producing heavy rain, lightning and strong winds, moved through the region yesterday evening causing damage to trees and outages throughout our service territory. The most severe weather affected Bucks and Delaware counties. PECO’s Emergency Response Organization is activated, with crews currently investigating the extent of damage and will be working throughout Tuesday. Estimated restoration times will be available as crews continue to assess damage and make repairs.

As of 8 a.m. on Tuesday, approximately 23,000 customers are without service.
• Bucks County = 14,000
• Chester County = Scattered
• Delaware County = 7,000
• Montgomery County = 1,000
• Philadelphia County = Scattered
• York County = Scattered

Key Messages
What happened?

A thunderstorm that produced heavy rain, lightning and strong winds, moved through southeastern Pennsylvania, leaving downed trees and tree limbs, flooding conditions, and causing damage to utility poles and electric equipment.

Approximately 90,000 customers were impacted by the storm, with more than 74,000 customers without service at the height. As of 8 a.m. on Tuesday, around 23,000 PECO customers are currently without electric service.

What are we doing?

When storms and extreme weather hit, PECO is prepared and dedicated to safely restoring service to our customers as quickly as possible. PECO personnel work around the clock until every last customer is restored.

PECO’s Emergency Response Organization is activated, and all available personnel are responding to support our customers. PECO has secured local contractor crews to provide assistance in making repairs.

Estimated restoration times will be available as crews continue to assess damage and make repairs.

We know our customers are inconvenienced anytime they are without service and we appreciate their patience and understanding as we make repairs.

What do we want customers to know/do?

PECO urges customers to be safe during severe weather by staying away from downed power lines and potentially damaged electric equipment.

Customers should always assume that PECO equipment is energized. Report downed power lines by contacting us at 1-800-841-4141.

Customers experiencing any issues with their electric or natural gas service should contact PECO at 1-800-841-4141.

Customers also can easily report issues with their electric service at using their phone, tablet or computer or through PECO’s free mobile app.

Download PECO’s free mobile app to report outages and receive notifications on restoration status. The PECO mobile app is available through the App Store or Google Play.

Visit to choose how to receive information – via text, email or phone – including when power is out in your area, when your service is expected to be restored, or when your power is restored.

PECO also has a two-way texting program for outages. By texting “ADDOUTAGE” to MYPECO (697326), customers can enroll in the program, report outages and check the status of their outage through text messaging. To use this service a customer’s mobile number must be registered with their account.

Customers can find additional information at Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter at

Richard E. Ashby Day

Library Director Richard Ashby to be Honored Friday, July 19

Yeadon Public Library Director Richard E. Ashby, Jr. is on the move, and this Friday is his last day at Yeadon Public Library!

So at Yeadon Public Library, Friday, July 19 will be Richard E. Ashby, Jr. Day.

The Board of Trustees of Yeadon Public Library invite and encourage leaders and members of the Yeadon community to stop by the library Friday, July 19 anytime between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm to wish him well!

Yeadon Public Library
809 Longacre Blvd.
Yeadon, PA 19050

Aggressive Driving Initiative

Yeadon Police Department to Participate in Aggressive-Driving Enforcement Initiative

The Yeadon Police Department is among 64 departments from Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties who will join Pennsylvania State Police in conducting aggressive-driving enforcement activities to help reduce the number of crashes, injuries, and deaths on roadways as part of a statewide mobilization that runs through August 25, 2019.

As part of the Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project, the third wave will focus on running red lights, the Steer Clear law, tailgating, and heavy trucks. Motorists exhibiting other unsafe behaviors such as distracted driving, speeding, and failing to stop at stop signs will also be cited.

According to 2017 PennDOT data, there were 1,482 aggressive-driving related crashes and 17 fatalities in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties.

Municipal police agencies that participated in last year’s campaign wrote 50,707 aggressive-driving related citations statewide, including 30,197 for speeding. Failing to stop for red lights and stop signs resulted in 3,657 citations.

Additionally, the enforcement accounted for 68 felony arrests, 142 fugitives apprehended, 200 impaired driving arrests, and 1,259 occupant protection citations.

The aggressive-driving enforcement is a part of the Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project and is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

To learn more about aggressive driving and other PennDOT safety initiatives visit